God promised it, and you can believe He will do it. The world’s in turmoil and filled with hopelessness and despair. In their search for answers and relief, they’re allowing their problems to overwhelm their heart with fear. Today’s circumstances may look contrary to what My Word declares, but I don’t allow these to move me. Beloved, let your faith in Me be greater than whatever you endure. There is anything that you’ll face, I can’t solve. I spoke to the world that was dark, void, empty, and formless into existence from nothing. (Genesis 1:1-3).
I am the Lord who sees every problem before it forms. I’ve prepared the answer before you even asked. I know the beginning through the ending; the mountain you must climb. My Child, I will walk with you, and when you come to where you can’t turn back or move forward, I will create a path as I did at the Red Sea. (Exodus 14:10-30). Your circumstances aren’t too big for Me to turn exceedingly abundant above what you think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20-22). Have faith in Me. Let go of your worries, release your doubts, and trust Me to carry you. Let go of your dependence on others, surrender trying to control the outcome, and cast all your cares on Me. (1 Peter 5:7). Dear One, with God, nothing shall be impossible. (Luke 1:37). I am the light in the tunnel when you can’t see your way. I will lead you to victory.
I pray the song; I Will Trust by Elevation Worship ministers to your heart.
RESOURCE LOUNGE -bless yourself and others.
