Seal the tomb if you so desire, but what He said, that will He do! “So, they went and made the tomb secure, and along with [stationing] a guard of soldiers [to be on watch] they set a seal on the stone. (Matthew 27:66, AMP). Not even death could keep Him in the grave. I imagine Him hearing His Father’s voice as Lazarus did when Jesus commanded him to come forth. He, too, was dead for four days. (John 11:17, 39). Death had to obey the command of Jesus, and He brought His dear friend back to life.
The Lord does not sit by and make ideal promises. And when He speaks of future events, you can count on Him fulfilling every Word. He had forespoken of His resurrection to the disciples. (Matthew 17:22-23; Mark 9:30-32; Luke 18:31-34). But even then, they did not grasp the exact meaning of what He was foretelling them. Having witnessed the horrific ordeal Jesus had gone through, the disciples were tremendously effective and grieved in their spirit. However, as He had spoken, so it came to pass. On the third day, Jesus rose. Nobody could explain this. The guards were present, but the body of Christ was not there.
The Chief Priests and elders even consulted together and paid the Roman soldiers to lie. (Matthew 28:11-15). He showed Himself at the designated time and place He chose to. (John 20:11-18). As Christ-followers, we must believe His Word is true, although everything contradicts it. (Psalms 119:50, CJB). When it looks like it is finished, there is no hope of life, and all the odds are against you, Beloved, it is not over. It’s merely the beginning of something new and astonishing. He laid the blueprint of our existence before the foundation of the world. He knows every detail before we were born. His plans are altogether lovely and forever settled in heaven.
Father, the condition of the world looks dark and causes anxiety for many. Nations are looking for hope and need a miracle. We can look to You when everything points to an uncertain future. Your Word already declared that You have an extraordinary plan for us. Even Your thoughts are altogether remarkable. So, Beloved, I ask you to turn fear into faith and worry into worship. The Lord holds this world in His hands, and it will work out for our good. God of the Angel Army. Amen!
Have a glorious Resurrection Day. He is Alive!
Jesus Saves -It is Done! He has Risen! Enjoy this heartfelt musical selection by Travis Cottrell.
RESOURCE LOUNGE: Tips for the heart, mind, and soul!
