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Emmanuel, God with Us -The True Meaning of Christmas

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

Updated: Dec 26, 2024

As I watched the Point of Grace Christmas concert on CBN on November 20, 2021, their continual theme was Emmanuel; God is with us. The Lord poured into me this special message to encourage and empower you. Though I rarely share these devotionals so soon, I must publish this word now. I pray it stirs your heart and faith in Him.

When you think about Christmas, we all encounter different feelings. For many, it reflects great joy and gladness. Still, it is hard for countless others. Memories of a past event may trigger some strong emotions. Even everything going on in this world has left you anxious and concerned. With inflation on the rise and stores with empty shelves, some wonder if they will have enough for their family.

Beloved, I come with good news today. Even the angelic choir permeated the sky with a luminous song of praise declaring the birth of Jesus. The most important thing we must remember as we celebrate this glorious holiday is Jesus, the son of Mary, which means Emmanuel, God, is with us. (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23). No matter what you are going through, it cannot overwhelm the Lord because He relates to what we go through. He knows what it is to have no place to lay his head. He understands being misjudged and rejected. Christ knew there was a cost to following Him. (Matthew 8:20). Whichever season you are in; Beloved, you are not alone because God is with you.

He is with us when we are employed and during a season of unemployment. He is with us during a season of abundance and; through a time of lack and hardship. He is with us when there are no health issues and through a time of pain and suffering. He is with us when relationships thrive and when differences tear them apart. He is with us when nations align and when hatred and prejudices separate and divide us. He is with us when fear plays a horror movie within our mind and even when His peace surpasses understanding.

He is with us when we are enduring a pandemic and uncertainty a season of unity and prosperity. He is with us in the good times and when times are hard. Regardless of the season, the Lord is always there. No matter the circumstances, God promises never to leave nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5). You may feel afraid and unsure of the future, but He sees the end.

Here are 3 Important principles to encourage you:

1. He is a promise keeper and not a liar.

2. He is a way-maker, not a failure.

3. He is a light in the darkness, leading you to a future full of victory.

You can make this your best Christmas ever; if you only believe in the precious gift that baby Jesus brought us thousands of years ago. He is Emmanuel, God with us. Merry Christmas, Beloved.

Father, You keep Your promises. You have shown everyone that You do not lie. You moved unmovable mountains. So, I conclude, My God will make a way out of no way. You are my firm foundation, my living hope. I trust You no matter what and leave the outcome to You. I rejoice because You are Emmanuel, God with us. In the Matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.

QUESTION FOR REFLECTION: What does Christmas mean to you?

I pray the musical selection Emmanuel by Point of Grace stirs your heart and faith in God.

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