People across the world have strong opinions regarding everything they consider important. They gossip at the coffee shops, state their feelings while riding public transportation, and engage in conversations with strangers every chance the opportunity occurs. They say much concerning social injustices, racism, even impeachment proceedings. They’re angry at those whose point of views differs from than theirs. “Fools care nothing for thoughtful discourse; all they do is run off at the mouth.” (Proverbs 18:2, MSG). Despite this, most don’t use their words and actions to impact the world. They are the silent partners who boldly speak behind the scenes. Regarding exercising their power to change the situation for the better, they won’t get involved. Beloved, you’re part of the problem.
I recall when I lived in the Walter G. Alexander Complex. It was a place plagued with drug addicts, substandard living, hopelessness, and despair. Sitting outside represented a considerable risk because you never knew when someone would begin shooting. Though these incidents were rare, it was an unsafe place to live. And I thought to myself’; ‘I’ve never lived in such conditions and wasn’t about to get used to doing so.’ My paramount concern was for my daughter, who had merely entered middle school. But I knew the Lord placed me there for a purpose. I saw a place in desperate need of God’s love, not judgment or condemnation. I recognized a place in need of hope, people who didn’t need someone to preach to them. I saw a place in need of acceptance and compassion.
I became a community advocate, serving as a liaison at the monthly association meetings, wrote letters to HUD and the State of New Jersey US Senators. I even sent a letter to President Clinton pleading with them to help change the neighborhood. No, they did nothing to support us. I treated everyone I came in contact with the utmost respect and honor. Even the drug dealers liked me. I shared the good news of the gospel of Christ with them. The Lord blessed me to meet Kindelon Shelton, who introduced me to his mom, an anointed woman of God, Mother Maratha Shelton. She had been praying about these concerns. She and I set up a Bible Study in her apartment. Everybody was welcome to attend. I started a petition and gathered several signatures of residents and mailed to Hud.
I was a preferred Substitute Teacher for the school district, so I collaborated with the Executive Director of the Orange Housing Authority and Mrs. Eula Penn, the Principal of the educational institution within the town. He appointed me as the Director of an after-school program. I even accompanied the students on field trips. I orchestrated an exclusive meeting with him and several residents in my apartment which; contributed to reform and empowerment. We witness God change and transform lives. The Lord restored, renewed, and rejuvenated the community. We witness Him evict the enemy. We experience people’s hearts filled with encouragement while; the neighborhood became overwhelmed with peace.
You sit back and complain, but won’t contribute anything of value to change the circumstances. Take, for instance, the upcoming presidential election, if you dislike who’s in office, stop grumbling and bad-mouthing the president and run for office. You’re outraged about social injustice, apply your skills and talents to affect positive reform within the system. The gangs and drug dealers terrorize your town, and when the police ask to name who they are, you stay silent. Then you get angry at those officers who leave your town unprotected. This is inhumane and demeaning, but you're responsible for the well-being of your neighborhood. A large percentage of young African American teens and women on welfare is because of the black father’s decision not to accept financial responsibility for his child. So, why don’t you perceive this disturbing? Why isn’t this significant importance than the statistic of which race has more on public assistance? The same God who blessed me to transition from welfare to Bookfare is the same who will take you further than you’ve ever been.
You say black lives matter. Is it only when a white cop kills an unarmed black man? What about when a black man kills one within his own race? Where are the protesters? Why aren't you marching and screaming over such a hideous crime? Why aren't you outraged? Don’t they matter too? Why aren’t you training your black sons and daughters so they won’t end up in a gang? Why aren’t you teaching your daughters they are worth waiting for and they don’t have to end up pregnant and on welfare? Why are you silent?
I know, you thought I was going in a different direction with this inspirational reading. So, did I! The truth is, Dr. King and many others faced brutality in its truest form. They refused to keep quiet, and several lost their lives. What do you think they would say if they were here, watching you affixing blame, making excuses, and hoping for someone to do what you could do to effect change? It’s your turn now to release the mute button and use your power, do the contrary and turn the world upside down. (Acts 17:6-8). When good people sit back and allow the enemy to invade their community, culture, society, nation, even learning institutions, perhaps because of fear, God will raise a worshiper, and a prayer warrior fearless to cry aloud against such evil. You can make this world a better place.
God Almighty has given you authority to bring transformation and restoration to that which appears to be unsolvable, unchangeable and undoable. It’s time to stop smoldering in anger. This keeps you going around the revolving door of despair. It’s time to gather at someone’s home, the local church, in your home, even in the town square and peacefully prays, speak out and make a difference. It’s time for a radical transformation.
This world can be unfair. We’re beaten down. They humiliate people of color for no other reason than being of a different race and where they come from. But rise and rise we will. We owe ourselves better than allowing injustices and depraved means of treatment to destroy who we are. Love is the most remarkable antidote to overcome any offenses. Hatred and racism have caused enough suffering and pain. Let’s recall what Jesus did when He went before the High Priest and Pilate. “[And Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:35). They falsely accused Christ, humiliated, and beat Him mercilessly. They spat on Jesus and struck Him with their fists. (Matthew 5:43-47, Matthew 26:67). Pilate set Barabbas, a criminal, free, and scrounged Jesus. The pain was excruciating, and it tore open His flesh. “So, he set Barabbas free for them; but after having Jesus severely whipped (scourged), he handed Him over to be crucified.” (Matthew 27:26). He never retaliated even though He could have ordered a legion of angels to come to His aide. The Lord sets the perfect example of how to react when someone does the unthinkable to you. And He did this because of His love for humanity. Love is a mighty force to overcome racial prejudices and social injustice. Without love, we won’t thrive and fulfill the purpose the Lord has on our life. God’s love makes all the difference and destroys these strongholds.
Let go of that stone that’s spilling hatred and racial prejudices into the hearts, minds, and souls of your family. Hasn’t it caused enough division, contention, and alienation? Aren’t you tired of living in misery? Let us find love in our difference and allow it to overrule malice and fear. It’s time to celebrate humanity by including people of all walks of life, races, cultures, and faith in the circle of life. You don’t have to agree with their lifestyle choices, but love is best served when it’s colorblind.
I pray the musical selection; A Better Place by Song Around the World stirs your heart
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