The Bible directs us not to argue over someone’s views and controversies. (Romans 14:1-10; Titus 3:9). People have diverse ideas on how to dress for church. Anybody who prefers to dress in casual clothes, then let them do so. Beloved, anyone who enjoys dressing up should not become annoyed over how somebody dresses. Everybody should consider the importance of giving reverence to the Lord when coming to the house of God. This should be our deciding factor pertaining to what to clothe ourselves in when entering the sanctuary. My love and devotion for Him drive me to honor God in how I dress. I’m coming to worship and adore Him. The way I present myself to Him speaks to how much I love Christ.
I’m not to hinder those who are weak in the faith because someone expects them to dress as they do. Nor will I let anybody persuaded me to dress as they do. So, even if a Pastor allows easygoing dressing, I’m letting the Holy Spirit direct me. If I come into your church service with a suit and you allow your congregations to be informal, will it offend someone? Can you guarantee me a member of your church won’t approach me after service because of being annoyed by the clothes I’m wearing? If you were meeting with an esteemed leader won’t you make a stellar appearance giving him your reverence and piety? Is God not worthy of our utmost honor and majesty?
Many will say to come as you are, Beloved, this is not biblical. Jesus offers everybody the opportunity to come as they are because He wants to clean and purify their heart. He wants to deliver and set them free from anything keeping the unbeliever in bondage. He accepts each person as they are, but expects them not to remain in sin or rebellion to His Word. Many use this phrase to remain as they are. They rationalize and say it makes no difference how they live or how they dress. We should leave nobody with the impression it’s in God’s will to live in contradiction to Him. Even Galatians 5:13; warns us not to use freedom from sin as an occasion to satisfy the flesh. Everything we do, even how we dress, says something of our character. After an encounter with God, you won’t stay as you are because He works in the true believer as you surrender and obey Him. Beloved, your dress attire will express your passion and devotion to God.
1. Why shouldn’t we let someone’s church dress attire to offend us?
2. Pastors and members who once felt an honor to dress in your choicest for Sunday Worship, what caused you to change to casual wear?
I pray the song; He Is Lovely by Bob Fitts ministers to you.
