The trend in church attire has shifted. There was a time man wore a suit or dress pants in a shirt and tie. Women would put on their best dress. Even the children were in their Sunday finest. In this, we don’t want to offend the world society, many Pastors are allowing their congregation to put on informal attire. Skinny jeans, flip-flops, ripped jeans, and shirts are now acceptable church wear. So, what does the Bible say about the way Christians should dress for church? Do we dress up on Sundays, but it’s acceptable to be more easygoing on a weekday service such as Bible Study? We serve the same God Sunday through Saturday. So, what makes dressing up on Sunday so different? Though they’re no scriptures that states you are to dress-up for church, it becomes a matter of the heart. I’m not one to judge what someone should wear, but I believe a person should honor God in how they dress. It is to do with your relationship with the Lord. I’ve seen those who dress-up and casual, but their overall attitude shows a lack of a covenant relationship with Jesus. You want to make a big deal about how someone dress and you rarely attend church. Seriously?
The way I dress reflects who I serve. There’s something so special in gathering a day in the week to worship God. The Lord ordained this in Genesis 2:2-3. Western society has embraced Sunday as that occasion. Therefore, I honor God by dressing in my choicest. It’s concerning who I worship and who He is to me. I want to give Him my best even in the clothes I wear. This is a sacred time of fellowship, so how you present yourself decides who you are in Christ. I am to offer myself as a living holy sacrifice well-pleasing to God. (Romans 12:1). It’s a biblical principle that guides us in the right direction. When we align our life with His Word, the Holy Spirit will lead us in our dress apparel. Let’s examine some scriptures and keep in mind not to give your interpretation of these. The Word of God isn’t to be used to justify doing what you please regardless of the consequences.
Somebody would say it doesn’t matter because 1 Samuel 16:7, AMP; “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” God does know our hearts, but this doesn’t excuse wearing anything you feel is appropriate to church. What if I decided to come to church in tight shorts, a spaghetti string top, and a pair of pumps? What of those women whose cleavage shows and they have on a tight fitted skit or a dress? What if a man wears tight jeans and a tee-shirt? What if he comes to the House of God, with his pants pulled down showing his underwear? In what way would be dressing in this fashion glorify God? Come on, let’s get deep here. Because if you say it doesn’t matter how we dress, then I question how consecrated you are in your relationship with God. The way we dress defines who we serve.
Our adornment should not be external but that of the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, [one that is calm and self-controlled, not overanxious, but serene and spiritually mature] which is very precious in the sight of God. (Titus 2:9; 1 Peter 3:3-4). You can dress up and yet have a sweet and meek disposition that brings God glory. We should never judge people as James teaches us in 2:1-9. We are to show no special preferences to anyone who comes to service. Despite how anyone dresses, we are expected to be an example of God’s unconditional love.
I’ve noticed the church is so eager to draw young people and the world; they are willing to compromise their principles to upgrade church attendance. In what way does the world change their customs to please the Body of Christ? They don’t. They believe in their truth. The world doesn’t even respect the church nor do they fear God. Yes, there’re Christians who are offensive. Many do contrary to what Christianity is and has given the unbelievers a distorted image of our faith. But you shouldn’t generalize this and use it as an excuse to blame the church for your choice not to serve God. So, we must tell the truth in love even if it offends somebody. God expects us to share His gospel with compassion and sincerity. Even if this means being rejected, alienated, and lied on. Beloved, don’t allow the clothes anybody wears to distract you and judge them. So, next week, we will discuss what Romans 14:1-10 and Titus 3:9 about avoiding controversies and restoring the one who is weak in the faith. What do these scriptures have to do with how we dress? Tune in next Wednesday!
1. God looks on our hearts. So, what is the best way to minister to anyone who feels it doesn’t matter what we wear to church?
2. A Christian lifestyle should draw others to Christ. But we are not to compromise the principles of God to do so. Why shouldn’t we allow the influence of the world or how other ministries dress to determine the church dress apparel?
