In a discussion; with BIBLEBABES this past Saturday, the host, Deborah Lassiter, asked a profound question. She mentioned how we know God loves us, but do you believe He likes you? It did not take me no time to say God does like me. Still, not everyone felt as I did. So, allow me to go further in explaining my response.
First, these two words have similar meanings but different feelings. The Bible has four words to describe love, but I will focus on the agape love of God, which is unconditional and perfect. This term defines God's immeasurable, incomparable love for humanity.
To love someone means somebody means everything to you. Like, on the other hand, means you enjoy being with someone. Likewise, I can love you; but I may not like everything about you. That said, come journey with me in the gospels; that explains the horrifying ordeal Jesus; went through to redeem humanity. His story will reveal why I believe God loves and likes us.
Scripture tells us in Matthew Chapter 27 that the chief priest and the elders, this would be the Sanhedrin, Jewish High Court, plotted together against Jesus. They were under the rule of the Romans and had no authority to execute anyone. So, Judas betrayed him, while Pilate, the governor, allowed the people to choose the criminal, Barabbas. Then the soldiers, under Pilate's orders, take Jesus and put a scarlet robe on him. They ridiculed him, spat on him, stuck him repeatedly on his head with the reed, removed the robe, and put his clothes back on him. Likewise, they scourged him. We can find this also in John Chapter 19:1. (Explain scourging). The Bible does not say how many stripes they gave him, but Deuteronomy 25:3 says a criminal should not receive; no more than 39 stripes. Every lash they gave him; tore open his flesh. Then they led Him to be crucified.
These heartless people nailed Christ to a wooden cross. Can you imagine the pain of somebody using all the strength they could and nailing your hands and feet to a cross? After this vicious scourging, experiencing excruciating pain from this severe beating, do you think that Jesus does not like you? Seriously? In the Garden of Gethsemane, He agonized over this impending ordeal but relinquished control by saying, not my will, but Father, Your will be done. Do you still think He would endure such pain and disgrace only because He likes you?
He knew Judas would betray Him, yet He told him to; go; and do it quickly. In a blog, I wrote last year for Easter, A Relentless Kind of Love, I asked my readers to picture this scenario and think about the worst offense someone has done to them and how it impacted their life. Think about the pain and agony you went through. Consider the mental and emotional anguish it caused. It was not a stranger but a person you had deep affection toward that hurt you. Still, they hurt you so bad; you thought you would never recover from this ordeal. Had you known what they would have done before developing a relationship with them, would you still have allowed this person into your life? Beloved, Jesus knew what Judas would do, and still; He chose Him as a disciple. My God, do you still feel that God does not like you? Seriously?
He chose to accept a cruel and undeserved death for us. He did nothing wrong but did everything right; still, He died for you. Christ is the good shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep. (John 10:11; 15; 17-18). Jesus chose to take our punishment. He paid a debt that we could not ever pay. We owe Him a debt we could never repay. Do you still believe that He does not like you? Beloved, He loves you.
Anybody who feels that God does not like them has a deeper issue within their heart. That issue is you and how you feel about yourself. The voices in your head keep telling you that you messed up too much for God to love you. I keep doing the same thing; over and over, so how can God love me? And if He does not love me, how can He like me?
The Bible says we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23). Though Jesus loathes sin and cannot allow it to go unchecked, His love endures forever. He is not always pleased with everything you do. Even a parent loves their child but dislikes some of their behaviors. Still, their love for that child goes to great lengths to save him. It is the same with Jesus. So, my question to you is, do you love yourself? Do you even like yourself? Whatever your answer is, My Friend, there is nothing you can do to stop Christ from loving you. God is crazy about you because nobody can be crazy about anybody without loving and liking them. Jesus had all power and authority to change His situation, but because He not only likes you but loves you, He died for you. So, I am asking you to forgive yourself for whatever is in your past that has convinced you that God does not like you because He thinks the world of you.
TIME FOR REFLECTION: Do you believe that God likes you? Why or why not?
Jesus paid the ultimate price for us. So, what more would it take for Him to do to believe that God loves you?
Can you please help encourage someone today? Please comment on what you thought about this topic. So, hit that heart, and share your thoughts with others. Thank you kindly.
RESOURCE LOUNGE: Bless yourself and others with a gift that will encourage and be a blessing.
I pray this song, Love Me Like I Am by King and Country featuring Jordin Sparks, stirs your heart.
