Have you ever felt overlooked and discarded, as if you are nothing?
Discarded means to get rid of (someone or something) as no longer helpful; or desirable. Another word is to throw away. (1)
1. Maybe your parents discarded you because you're a teenager and pregnant.
2. Somebody labeled you as the black sheep of the family. You keep messing up, and people have given up on you. They even say you're hopeless and will never change.
3. You committed some terrible crime and ended up incarcerated.
4. You have a disability, and others treat you as if; you are an outcast.
5. Because of your age, somebody considers you useless. Many feel you have given your part in society and are outdated. Likewise, the organization does not need your kind. There is nothing more you can contribute.
The scripture warns us not to discard anybody because of their age. Psalms 71:9 tells us; Don't discard me in my old age. Seniors have experiences, wisdom, and endurance that can profit everybody. We have been through much, and if you heed our counsel, you can live without regrets.
Whatever your plight is, Beloved, God will never discard you. He left the ninety-nine to go after the lost, broken, and those who have not accepted Him. His purpose for coming was to rescue and save you. The Lord goes to great lengths to make you a part of His family. He loved the Gentiles so much; He included us as part of His descendants. He does not look at what you cannot offer because God equips you with what you need to be all He created you to be. Then the Almighty empowers you to do the impossible through. You are the apple of God’s eye, His cherished and treasured possession. He values you above all those who discarded you. (Psalms 17:8)
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. -Luke 19:10, ESV
Beloved, I know how you feel because I have been through what you are going through. At one time, an association I am a member of considered me; the best choice for the position of President. First, I tried to avoid it, but the President informed us they would dismantle the association if unable to fill that position and other slots. Here's the thing, even the Treasurer did not desire that assignment. I told them I would accept it to keep this from happening, and everybody agreed. A few months later, while at our monthly breakfast fellowship, the member who was the woman who had asked me to fill that position put forth a proposition. She inquired how everyone would feel about the President, switching places with the Treasurer.
As they talked about this, one member mentioned me and felt the Treasurer would be a good choice because of her influence in the political arena and with the mayor. Likewise, the lady in charge of the breakfast attempted to remind them about assigning me for the position. She even inquired why I was not saying anything. I saw no need to say anything and agreed with their decision. Besides, they would do what they wanted, regardless of how it affected me. What bothered me was how fast they were to overlook me and discard me as if I did not exist. The way they went about everything was unprofessional and thoughtless. They did not consider how this made me feel. I was sitting right there, and they saw me as invisible, unimportant, and unworthy. These women discarded me for their idea of a more qualified candidate. Still, they do not know my skills and what I could have brought to this organization. So, I will not accept any other position and resign as the secretary. Still, I will stay a part of the Tenant Association, and I am not angry, but; their approach to the situation was wrong.
Beloved, when others throw you away as a loser, remember this. (Jeremiah 5:1). In time, I will say something, but as; for now, I want those whom somebody discarded to know you are valuable. They say you are timid and inadequate. You are not strong enough because there is someone more competent than you. This person has connections. She has political clout. Still, they do not know the expertise you can bring to the company. They believe you are sufficient in this position, but that other role is too much for you to handle. So, they replace you with what they perceive as a better model. My Friend, deal with the hurt but don't allow it to define you. They do not see it, but their rejection opens access to your promotion. The Lord sees something in you and chose you for such a time as this to change history. God shall elevate you and take you further than any other organization has. Beloved, count this experience as joy that they got rid of you because by discarding you, they are bringing you into your destiny.
I pray the song; How Deep the Father's Love by Church of the City, featuring John Reddick, stirs your heart
