Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, AMP).
One thing most people find hard to do is launching out and undertaking something they never have done. When situations look unclear; fear could grip you. The only way to go beyond what you aren’t certain of is to come out of the comfort zone. Comfort zones offer you security without stress. It’s something familiar with a sense of calm. To leave this place of safety means taking on the weight of not knowing the results of doing something different. This could be painful. Therefore, it’s challenging for some to venture out and do something they believe is difficult. Even when a person recognizes the benefits from such would be profitable, they allow that barrier to hold them hostage.
Staying in comfort zones will cost you something valuable. Such a safe place keeps you from achieving something good for you. This zone places limitations while restricting you from seeing how far you can go. These obstructions even prevent someone from developing relationships with others. To discover what lies ahead needs stopping avoiding what makes you uncomfortable. Tear down that wall that separates you from achieving what seems impossible. It will take courage and strength. Beloved, you’ll discover how strong you are when you venture out on this new journey that will take you further than you have ever gone.
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