If you knew someone in grave need of help, would you come to their aide? It’s a defining moment when anybody humbles before God and acknowledges they need a source that’s greater than themself. (Proverbs 29:1, ESV). The Lord saw this when He imputed His divine foresight in Solomon to write this timeless piece of literature. No matter what stage of life we’re in, He calls out to us.
Whether someone’s of affluence or poverty-stricken, it goes out to you. You could be Jew or Gentile; he includes everybody. Your knowledge or lack thereof matters not to the Lord. He sees us as both equal and individuals in desperate need of direction. Even if somebody’s stubborn or submissive, he nudges us through these simple but empowering pithy sayings. You could be royalty or a servant; your vast status doesn’t outrank God’s wisdom. You may be righteous or a sinner; He doesn’t desire to allow you to think you are to take the wrong path. To the parent or the authoritative leader, man or woman, nobody has more knowledge than Him.
Donny McClurkin sings the song; Speak to My Heart, Lord. We see Him talking in Proverbs. From the northern to the southern kingdom, the Lord is communing with us. In the western hemisphere to the eastern territories, His Words echo and pleas for everybody to obey His will as he prepares you for what is coming. We would be wise to listen and follow his precepts. The wolves want to devour anyone. Our enemy is orchestrating a strategic plan to prevent our progress. The Almighty doesn’t leave us to ourselves, but with tenderness, He has left a wealth of information. Written years ago, these words still help everyone today.
Can you help me encourage someone today? Please comment, share, and hit the heart to show your support. Thank you kindly, Beloved.
