God’s Word is life-changing and mind-transforming. There’s nothing we go through, it doesn't first forewarn us. It's what I love in this book of the Bible. There're consequences when we decide not to obey and use wisdom. (Vs 28). It's possible you view these sayings as ancient and don’t relate to this modern age. Interesting that these legendary instructions show the same attitude and behavior of nations in our time. It proves applying the knowledge of God preserves your life. The conditions we experience now are similar to what people practiced during those days. Solomon left these invaluable records to help everybody make sound judgments and impart these with others.
A good start would be in exhibiting self-control. We’re watching people, allowing their emotions to overrule common sense. During these challenging times, the culture is hemorrhaging from the wounds of hatred and animosity. They're furious, outraged, enticing anyone who's foolish enough to listen by using a message fueled in separation and division. It's call protesting, but it’s created with the deliberate attempt to excite anger and reinforce their beliefs. They attack anyone who doesn’t believe in their ideology. Violence and chaos will never ignite peace. It only results in destruction and ruin. Jesus is our only hope for the world. When you soak yourself in these timeless Words of truth, allow them to penetrate your heart and change you, your life will never be the same. You’ll find peace and encouragement in Proverbs.
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