This world has changed, and each year matters grows more intense while the hearts of many becomes hard and callous. Time and again, we hear people voice their thoughts about their government. They find fault in the injustices and racial disparities and are dissatisfied with society. Whenever something goes wrong, it’s somebody’s fault while the ringleader of disturbance stands back and blames others. (Proverbs 12:15, ESV). Many have an opinion on how to change things for the better, but few are known to become an activist for reform. They are the silent partners who rather badmouth leaders and those they oppose. Beloved, your example or ideas, as good as they may be, are meaningless until you do something to bring a transformation for the better. It’s easy to sit behind the scene and grumble about what you don’t like. It takes courage to get involve and participate that bring light out of the darkness.
As we embark on a new administration, let us no more be complicit with unbecoming behaviors and social customs that have ripped this world apart. It’s the age to rise and be an example of righteousness, despite the consequences. We can no longer be silent and afraid while everything becomes socially acceptable. We need to lift our voices because everyone’s truth is not the Word of Truth. (2 Samuel 7:28). People are antagonists, speaking at will to incite you to anger. It’s time we come out of the closet and join in the good fight of faith, doing our part by taking a stand against this evil that plagues this country. (1 Timothy 6:12). When we see the weakly taken advantage of, we must step in and fight for such a cause. (Deuteronomy 15:11). We can change their plight by getting involved.
Dear friend, allow everyone to recognize the good in you instead of complaining about the bad in somebody. We are God’s hands and feet, coming out of our comfort zones and being His example of respect. It requires setting aside our interests and thinking more of others. (Philippians 2:4). We go where we otherwise would not dare go to do His works and share in His ministry. Nobody said this is easy because such a mission is not for the fainthearted or weary. (Matthew 16:24-25). It’s known as the denial of self and pledge to following the Lord at whatever the cost.
In our surrender, we grow in faith from His teachings and go into the world anointed, equipped, and empowered to do signs and miracles through His power. (Mark 16:17-20). We use our hands and feet to go where He goes and do what He did. As we obey His command and engage in His mission, we become more like Jesus. We cannot continue to do things the same way, parties fighting against each other, and expect to see change. We must forgive and reconcile our hearts to love like Christ. We ask Him to redeem us from the sins of the past that have kept the country divided. We shall see beyond lifestyle choices, the color of one’s skin, personal preferences, and cast no more stones of hatred. We will pardon our enemies and live to treat everybody with dignity and grace despite the opposition. We won’t align ourselves with anyone who causes division and set snares to remove the goodness of God. (Romans 16:17-20 ESV; Acts 16:6-7, NASB) We will do the contrary, turn the world upside down while leaving behind a residue of God’s love everywhere we go.
I pray the musical selection, That's How You Change the World by Newboys stirs your heart.