Beloved, what don’t you see? Think about that for a moment! Tragedies are commonplace, and somebody’s problems are greater than yours. Someone was just diagnosed with an incurable disease. Still, others are homeless, hungry, and without a covering of protection. Countries all over the world are falling apart while their citizens are fleeing for their lives. Violence and crime are increasing while inflation sucks away your hard-earned money. Even this virus changed the trajectory of our life.
Lord, it could have been me out there with no food, clothes, shelter, or protection. I could have been just another number with a tragic end. But God, You didn’t see fit for any of these to be. By Your power, You continue to keep me. So, I thank You, Lord, for all You’ve done for me.
I thank You for loving me
Protecting and sheltering me
Your Grace that I will never deserve
Providing for me
Leading me
You made a way out of no way
Most of all, for dying for me
Scriptures: Philippians 4:6, Deuteronomy 31:6, Exodus 15:2-3, 1 Chronicles 16:8; Colossians 3:15, Joshua1:9, Psalms 78:7-8
What are you grateful to God for?
I pray the song, Thank You Lord for All You've Done for Me by Walter Hawkins and Love Center Choir stirs your faith and heart in God.
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