We are halfway through January 2023, and I hope your new year exceeds all your expectations. Beloved, one way we can turn this year into something beautiful is by; how we treat others. It came to my mind Sunday that everything; going on in the world is because of how we treat people. Something somebody did has left lasting effects on many lives. Whether it was a decision or an action you took, it affected people and communities, and you did not even care. It could have been something you said without thinking about how it would affect them. You wanted to speak your truth regardless of how it makes anybody feels. Maybe it was a law or policy you put into place, and now we are suffering the ramifications of your unwise idea. Here is the thing, everybody wants respect, to be loved, and to build good relationships with others. Still, any form of opposition can prevent us from building healthy relationships. So, what can we do to overcome the conflict among humans? I have a few suggestions, and I know not everyone will accept them, but those that do will be the; change we want to see in the world.
Many people talk about how things need to change, but few do anything to make that happen. Beloved, I challenge you to be the change you want to see in the world. You ask, how? Let your attitude show that you are Christ-like. Let your joy be infectious while kindness rules in your heart. Beloved, allow compassion to take over while showering those you find hard to be around with empathy. Avoid judging and condemning because you have flaws and are a work in progress. So, when someone wrongs you, remember none of us deserves grace. Still, God offered it to you. I challenge you to forgive and not to get even.
Let us not forget the underprivileged and those in need. The Bible says they will always be among us. So, do not neglect to bless them and lighten their burden. Be Christ-like in your ABCs, attitude, actions, behavior, and communication. Likewise, tell the truth when it's the hardest thing to do. Make unpopular decisions and always choose truth over error. Beloved, make sure you season your conversation with gracious and pleasant words. Something may even make you angry, but do not sin. Think before you speak or react. My Friend, treat everybody better than how you want anybody to treat you. Go forth, and make this world a brighter place to be, by leaving behind a residue of God's love everywhere, you go.
Scriptures: Philippians 2:1-2; Romans 15:13; Matthew 25:31-46; Deuteronomy 15:11; Matthew 7:1; Colossians 3:12; 4:6; 1 Peter 3:8; Ephesians 4:5, 26, 32; Matthew 7:12; Philippians 2:3
I pray the song, Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin and featuring Pat Barrett stirs your heart and opens your heart to how much God cares for you.
REFLECTIONS: Conflict is inevitable, still, what will you do to overcome those you have difficulty treating with kindness?
Beloved, let somebody know how this message has encouraged you. Please leave your comment, hit that heart, and share. Thank you kindly.
RESOURCE LOUNGE: Treat yourself and others to a gift that will encourage you.
