Valentine's Day will be here soon, and all across the globe, people are coming up with creative ways to do something special for their spouse or somebody they love. Still, should we reserve this exceptional moment only for those who are married or dating? It is a time set aside for such a purpose, but why not use each day to show others how much we adore and appreciate them? Everybody needs to know someone loves them.
Jesus is our perfect example because in Ephesians 5:1-2 He encourages us to. Therefore, be imitators of God as beloved children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19, ESV). The Lord is the master designer of love. He created men and women to become one in love. He even showed selfless love to everybody when He sacrificed His life for humanity. Jesus Christ did not leave anybody behind.
Here are some everyday ideas to ignite a passion to love anyone as Christ loves us.
1. For No Other Reason – Our words and actions are powerful and make a statement while leaving an imprint. Leave love notes for your child, friends, spouse, and even those you find challenging to love. It is a sweet way to thank them for their presence in your life while reminding them of their exceptional qualities. So, please take a moment today to let somebody know you are thinking of them and appreciate them. (1 John 3:18)
2. Make the extra Effort – Go out of your way to do something out of the ordinary for people. You can help the children with homework, and even read them their favorite bedtime story. Assist with cleaning the house. Likewise, make sure your spouse has some alone time. Surprise someone with a home-cooked meal. Smile and be extra pleasant and patient with that challenging customer. (Galatians 6:2)
3. Love the Unlovable –Loving people does not come easy for everyone. Some humans express their version of love in anger, contempt, and bitterness. They have never seen a genuine example of how to cherish another person. However, you can help them understand what love is by blessing them with acts of grace, though you believe they do not deserve it. It could be your boss who has given you a hard time. It may be a neighbor who criticizes or harasses you. Maybe this is a member at your church who is not Christ-like. You do not have to like anyone to offer them compassion and kindness. Beloved, let us love the unlovable any time we get an opportunity. (Luke 6:27-28)
4. A Residue of God’s Love–In this social climate and civil unrest, we can be God’s hands and feet as examples of His extravagant love. Even the hardest-hearted person needs to know somebody loves them. I often say we may have to love the darkness out of them by infesting them with love. How does this look? Well, it is through forgiveness when you want to get even. It comes from holding somebody accountable, but not by lying, manipulating, or making someone feel guilty. Beloved, never use social media to badmouth anyone. Leave behind a residue of God’s love everywhere our feet trod. (Romans 12:10-12)
5. Pray - without ceasing for humanity and the whole wide world. We may be the only living walking Bible that touches a soul. Let our actions and words prove how much we love by loving how Jesus loves us. Let me know in the comments below how you will infest this world with love. (1 Timothy 2:1-8)
I pray the musical selection; Love in Every Language by Sandy Patti stirs your heart.
RESOURCE LOUNGE: Bless someone with a special gift that will reveal how much God adores them at this special time of the year.