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America Will Bounce Back

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

Updated: Dec 27, 2024

America, this is a set-up, and you will bounce back.

During this time of the year, I have an inspirational beginning-of-the-year devotional to share. This time, I have a unique but powerful message for us. We have been through much since March 2020. I still recall how many spoke of double blessings because of the double number in that particular year. Still, I cautioned people in a blog at that; time not to put their trust in such.

Here is what I had to say; “Everyone wants their coming year to be full of victory and prosperity, without pain, suffering, and disaster. But not even God will promise that to any of us. Life entails seasons we do not enjoy and prefer not to endure. Likewise, we are leaving a year we know of and entering one marked by questions and uncertainties. I believe as I navigate through the uncharted adventure, it is of utmost importance to leave it in the hands of the Lord; the omnipresent who sees into your future.” Sound counsel, you say, still, what many failed to do was entrust that year and their life into the hands of the Almighty.


It all started with the pandemic that caught this country off guard. Our government officials failed to prepare for this, and neither did most of us. Some may even believe it would not touch us. Likewise, despite the president treating it as if it did not exist, we would not be exempted from this. Here we are, almost three years later, and things are worse.

Sure, the effects of the pandemic are better than at the beginning of this year, but cases are still occurring. Social unrest has divided this country even more. There have been violent fights erupting at school board meetings, and the mass shootings in many states are alarming. Then throw in the inflation that has only made it more difficult for families. Overall, the results of the 2021 election did not yield what most thought they would. No wonder Scripture warns us again to put our trust in the Lord.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6, ESV).

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8, KJV).

I have heard people say the pandemic caused some of these awful things to happen. A dear friend and I discussed this some weeks ago. We agreed that the pandemic is not the cause of what is occurring. Still, it brought to the surface what was already in the hearts; of the people. It identified their heart posture! Their hearts are heartened and callous, while they use free speech as it is, a gift from God. You would think at a time; when we can speak words of encouragement to forgive and heal, many would have more regard for what comes out of their mouth.

Free speech does not mean you have the; rite of passage to go to a Board meeting and declare you will shoot people. Neither does it give you the right to say whatever you want, regardless of how it affects others. Your words are potent, and they have creative power with lasting effects. It is why the Bible warns us; “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips! 4 Do not let my heart incline to any evil, to busy myself with wicked deed in company with men who work iniquity and let me not eat of their delicacies!” (Psalms 141:3-4, ESV). If we would; only strive to do as the Lord commands, this world would be a better place to live.

Right now, God does not like what this country has become. She practices sins that break His heart. Likewise, she believes in laws that contradict who He created us to be, while her lifestyle choices have taken her far from His presence. Some Christians even continue to present the wrong image of Christianity to the world. We have to be the light. Beloved, it is incumbent to come out of your comfort zone and undertake what is inconvenient. (1). God, purge and cleanse us; so; we will be white as snow, then; set us apart for your glory. (Isaiah 1:18).

God has blessed America to overcome much. We overcame World War 1 and 2, likewise trying to subdue a nation of people through slavery. America withstood 911 and many terrorist attacks. Though we have not conquered inequality, it is better than it was in the 1960s. Yes, discrimination screams and fights for dominance, but we rise!

Racism continues to roam the streets looking for someone to devour, yet; our love for humanity covers the multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:7-8, ESV; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8). So, everywhere we go, we will leave behind a residue of God’s unconditional love. Still, what all these have in common is a nation that came back stronger than before. And believe me, we will do that again. We will bounce back because we are resilient. There is a remnant that loves the Lord with all our heart, mind, and strength, and we will continue to hold this country before the Lord because blessed is the country whose God is the Lord. (Psalms 33:12).

America, this is a set-up, and you will bounce back. Yes, this country welcomes diversity. Still, our elected officials should not have approved some laws and policies. It is good that we respect countries that honor our values. Still, we overcome as we align ourselves with those who stand up for the truth, even when it is hard to do this. We bounce back because we will not buckle under fear. We will fight the good fight of faith by being righteous despite the consequences.

As I write this, I am in Florida, spending the holidays with my family. We went to Fort Myers Beach on Monday, December 12th, and saw the devastation left by Hurricane Ian. It is in ruins. My daughter said it looked like somebody, set off a bomb, and I agreed. In many areas where Ian hit, you see boats washed ashore in places they do not belong. Some families are living in RVs because of the damage to their homes. Still, I commend Governor Ron DeSantis for the actions taken to restore what Ian destroyed. Recovering from such a disaster takes time, and he is doing something.

I was here when Charley, a category-four storm, landed in August 2004. At that time, it was the strongest hurricane to hit the United States since Andrew in 1992. And the strongest one to hit southwest Florida until Ian. Then, I was here when Irma, a relentless category 5, that caused catastrophic damage, came in 2017, but neither of those storms left the damage this one has. Likewise, in 2004, between early August and the end of September, other than Charley, there were three other hurricanes, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne. Each reached to become a category 3 through 5.

What I saw in Fort Myers broke my heart, and I wanted to cry. A year before this, I was at the beach, and I saw life and vitality. People were out with family, enjoying themselves. The restaurants beamed with business, and the food was delicious. Now - this is gone, but those I saw had a pleasant attitude. After coming through this, how can you not have hope for a better tomorrow?

It was in Fort Myers that I became an entrepreneur, and, I was in Florida when I published my first four books. So, I know God will restore this city, that I love so much. Not only to her former beauty but more than she was before this tragedy. Like He will, with America. She has committed apostasies against Him, still, He is gracious and will give us yet, another chance. She has turned her back on the Lord, as Israel did many times, but His mercy and grace still prevail. America practices beliefs and welcomes sins; that go against the core of God’s heart, but the Lord will uphold her with His righteous hand. Though He cannot allow sin to go unchecked, He stretches His hands out to all who would repent and turn from their evil ways. He will hear from heaven and heal our land. (2 Chronicles 7:14).

America will bounce back. It is all about the souls that are hurting. Some people are in a dark place and do not know how to find their way out. Still, others enjoy being there and do not want to change. Regardless of what got them where they are, we will let our love and kindness be contagious. We send hostility back to the pit of hell from where it comes. We will forgive the offender and use forgiveness to combat the pain others afflicted on us because the pain of unforgiveness and bitterness imprisons our souls. (Ephesians 4:31-32). When we do this, we are not saying that what the person did was acceptable. Still, forgiveness is the antidote to; setting our souls free from malice and holding grudges.

None of us deserves grace, but it reconciles us back to God. Even though Israel was in captivity in Babylon because of their sins, God still allowed them to thrive. As CeCe Winans' song says, His mercy said, "No; I’m not going to let you go." So, we will no longer allow darkness to steal our hearts and turn us away from God. He has an even grander plan for this country, and we will bounce back. Have a Blessed and Happy New Year!

TIME FOR REFLECTION: It takes us all to help America bounce back. So, what will you contribute to making her the country God created her to be? Leave your comment. Hit that heart and share.

I pray the song; What He's Done by Passion (featuring Kristian Stanfill, Tasha Cobbs Leonard, and Anna Golden) reminds you of the selfless sacrifice God made for us.

We all need encouragement, so please share how this message has inspired you. Leave your comment, hit that heart, and share. Thank you kindly.



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