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America – It’s Time for a Change

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

America stands at a crucial time in history. With the recent election, whichever party takes the senate or the House of Representatives, leading without the guidance of God will not make matters better. Still, we need leadership. Children need parents. Schools need teachers. Colleges and universities need professors. Businesses need managers and supervisors. The healthcare industry needs doctors and nurses. The church needs pastors and ministerial staff. Law enforcement needs a police chief, officers, and lawyers. Every family and profession needs a leader. Still, our only hope is Jesus because; without His leadership, we will remain divided and at odds with each other.

Blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people whom He has chosen as His own inheritance. (Psalms 33:12, AMP).

The Bible says blessed is the country whose God is Lord. So, we should be more concerned about selecting godly leaders than what party they are. History does not lie, and we have seen the results of leaders pushing through their agenda regardless of how it affects their citizens. Crime and violence are; on the rise, while inflation makes it harder for parents to provide for their families. Immigration is out of control. Our schools are unsafe, and the students are not prepared to thrive; on a global level. Where did we go wrong?

We need leaders like Joseph, who gave Pharoah a grand plan during the worst famine at that time. His strategic plan saved the land of Egypt, Canaan, and reunited him with his family. (Genesis 47:13-31, ESV). Before this disaster happened, the Lord had revealed to Joseph the meaning of Pharoah’s dreams of the impending doom that was about to occur. (Genesis 41:1-14; 16-46).

Likewise, Deborah was the prophetess and first female judge in biblical history. At the command of God, she urged Barak to gather his men and go up against Sisera. Because Israel rebelled again, another godless leader, Jabin, king of Canaan, ruled over them. Sisera, a ruthless commander of his army had nine hundred chariots of iron and had oppressed Israel for twenty years. Deborah summons Barak and calls for him to do what the Lord had commanded him to do. Her plea and faith in God convict and encourages Barak. The rest is history because God delivers Israel again, and the land had rest for forty years. (Judges Chapters 4-6).

Likewise, Gideon, at the word of God, saved Israel when the Midianites ruled over them with absolute power and harsh oppression. They were impoverished and living in substandard conditions. When they cried out to the Lord, He heard their cry and sent an answer through this young lad, the least of his tribe. Still, the Almighty chooses him to deliver his people from the oppression of their enemy. (Judges 6:12-16, 23; 7:1-8; 8:1-32). God gave him; the most ridiculous order; to fulfill this mission. Gideon obeys and Israel conquers their enemies. His leadership led to forty years of peace and prosperity in the land.

What do all these stories have in common? Each ruler served God with their whole heart, then placed their trust in God and became a world-renowned leader. They included the Lord in making decisions. They consulted Him because they knew they needed someone bigger than them to lead their people and country to victory. These leaders did not condemn religious liberties. Nor did they set regulations and laws to keep their people in fear and subject to their control.

We have seen too much from rulers and elected representatives who enforce policies that push their agenda and are not for the good of their citizens. Nations rise against nations in the disguise of a plan they use to eradicate people they view as a threat. Government officials enact laws that try to redefine everything God calls good. When any nation removes God, it is open season for the devil to reign. And you wonder why there are guns and mass killings in our schools that took prayer out of these institutions.

We need commanders with a strong sense of character and core values and principles. (Romans 13:14). Somebody who stands for what is right when it is the hardest to do and speaks the truth regardless of the consequences. People like these are not afraid to make unpopular decisions even when the majority disagrees. True leaders choose right over wrong and truth from error. They are not looking for a quick pro quo because their loyalty comes without expecting; something in return. (Ruth 2:12). They know God will reward them because of their faithfulness and commitment to their country and its citizens.

Leaders after God’s heart own up to their wrongdoings with no excuses or playing the victim. These make alliances with nations who share our values and do not compromise their principles to gain popularity, or national attention. While no leaders can fulfill everybody’s demands, you can do your best to live above abusing your authority and tolerating unacceptable behavior that results in unaccountability and embarrassing your country. Neither will do whatever it takes to get the job done. There has been enough misconduct swept under the rug and treating it as if a person has the right of passage to do whatever they deem by any means necessary.

America has never had forty years of peace, let alone eight years without; social unrest, hatred, and division. Though our founding fathers believed in slavery, they had more reverence for God than any of these residing for the last several years. It is time to wake up from your slumber and be transformed by renewing your mind. (Romans 12:2). Then do what you have never done before. Our political parties need to get over themselves and come together and do what they can to unite us and stop tearing us apart. It is time to reposition your heart, humble yourselves, pray, repent of your wicked ways, and seek His face. Then we will hear from God, and He will come and heal our land. (2 Chronicles 7:14).

You need to draw a line in the sand and declare, enough is enough, and I am taking back what the devil stole. I am replacing hatred and racism with love. I will stand for justice, and equality and tear down the wall of prejudices and ill feelings toward others. Likewise, I may not; agree with everyone’s lifestyle preferences, but I will respect humanity and treat everybody with kindness. Discrimination will raise its ugly head, but, I can be a beacon of hope by making sure not to discard anyone because of their race, gender, or disability. You do not have to have my same faith and beliefs or honor the true and only God, but; as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15). Like Carman’s song says we need God in America again.


QUESTION FOR REFLECTION: Many do not like; the direction our nation is going, but they do nothing to make it better. Why should we do something and not wait for others to do what we can do?

What will you contribute to America to bring the principles of God back to America?

Please tell others how this message has encouraged you. Leave your comment, hit that heart, and share. Thank you.

I pray the musical selection, We Need God In America Again, by Carman, stirs your heart to do something.


COMING SOON: Vernita's Christmas Devotional



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