Hold on is easier said than done, still; during times of adversities, it bears repeating. Besides, it is good to encourage each other not to give up. I triumphed over some fiercest battles because of those who encouraged me while I was in the thick of the storm. I knew without their presence; I would have fallen into despair. So, Beloved, I will remind you that we cannot face life without challenging seasons. Likewise, know that in those adversities is something good occurring. Regardless if it is something financial, an issue with your health, or your relationships. It could be something regarding your future or the job; troublesome times know no bounds.
When you are; amid adversity, you want a way to escape because you do not see what lies ahead. The enemy tried to use these challenges to take you out, but he failed. So now, he is attempting to wear you out. If the battle persists, he is sure you will become discouraged and lose faith in God. My Friend, remember these three principles:
1. Adversity Can Strengthen You – Though what you are enduring has been for a long season, look at; how strong you are. God promised in Isaiah 41:10 not to fear because He will be with you. The Lord even guarantees to help you and hold you. He empowers you to get up to take on the unknown. Likewise, the Lord sends encouragement in the most unlikely ways to comfort and bring you peace. So, you discover how resilient you are.
2. Recognize We Need Jesus – Though this season is not your favorite time, as you persevere and recall your astounding history with the Lord, you realize, He will do it again. Any afflictions we went through before are reminders of what God will do in our present circumstances. He proved in the Bible and our past that He is mightier than anything we go through. (2 Corinthians 1:10-11). So, we recognize, that we need the Lord because this is something we cannot conquer on our own. Likewise, He is our living hope, and those answered prayers make us steadfast for the blessings to come.
3. Adversity Does Not Last Forever – Sometimes, we forget what God did for us before because things are worse, or the season will not relent. Still, when we read His Word or share what we are going through, we will see everything differently. Every season has an expiration date, even our adversities. Still, God’s grace is more than sufficient; it provides us with all we need to get through what we are going through. (2 Corinthians 9:8). When we are weak and vulnerable, He is strong and mighty to save. He brought you out before, He will do it again. He answered your prayers when you saw no way out, He is the same God. Beloved, do not lose hope and give up. When you find yourself getting tired, breathe! Reflect on the goodness of God you have received and be encouraged because the Lord is behind the scenes turning the current in your favor.
I pray the musical selection, Lyfe by Ryan Ellis, stirs your heart to wait patiently on God.
Time for Reflection: Which principle resonated with you the most?
How have you found the grace of God as your anchor during a season of adversity? Please share with us how this devotional ministered to you. Share your thoughts in the comments, like, and share. Your opinion does matter.