Have you ever had to wait for something for more than an hour? It’s as if the longer you have to wait, the more irritable you become. Besides, most of us don’t enjoy the dreaded waiting period. Whether it is waiting for our meal to be served, or our turn at the doctor’s office. Better still, for God to answer our prayers. Being patient isn’t something we grasp without complaining. We would rather never have to wait. In this fast-paced world, with having everything at our fingertips at a push of a button, persevering seems mundane and unnecessary. Regardless of how you feel about a season of enduring, we will never escape this time of life. Now, you are inclined to rush God and put Him on your schedule. Your defense is convincing yourself you have endured long enough. Your record has your faith in Him. Likewise, you recall all the moments you shared your faith, supported others during their times of distress, and faithfulness to the ministry.
Dear Friend, stop being in such a hurry. Use this time to bask in the presence of God because He is up to something that shall leave you speechless. So, if the wait is this long, think of how enormous the blessing will be. Thank God that Psalms give us some refreshing words to meditate on as we persevere through whatever the situation. I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! (Psalms 27:13, KJV). So, there is no need to fret or become impatient. We have seen the goodness of the Lord before, so what makes you expect He will not come through again? Did He not work things out in your favor the last time?
Can He not do it again?
Is there anything too hard for the Lord?
Absolutely Not! I believe in seeing His goodness, grace, and blessings while I am here to enjoy each one. He made a promise, and He does not lie; neither shall He renege on His Word. So, I wait with grand expectation because the longer it takes, the greater the blessing. Beloved, get ready for the unleashing of the impossible.
I pray the song, While I Wait by Lincoln Brewster stirs your heart and faith in God.
RESOURCE LOUNGE: bless yourself and others with a gift that will encourage and inspire You.
QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Please share with us the valuable lessons have you gained from waiting on the Lord?
