A Christian is defined as a follower of Christ. (1). But there’s more to Christianity than repenting from sin and accepting Jesus as your Savior. 38 And Peter said to them, “Repent [change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways, accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah] and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38, AMP). It’s a consistent lifestyle of obedience and walking in the divine will of God. This goes beyond being a nice person and treating someone kind. I associate with several people who fit in this category but have not devoted their lives to Christ. Some feel because of such character traits they are fine as they are. Even when someone attends church regularly doesn’t make you a Christian. Yes, make fellowship a part of your lifestyle. But it’s a new life in Christ. But there is one attribute of a Christian, and that is they’re never comfortable in sin. It won’t reign in your life. You will shun the appearance of it.
The President of the Tenant Association, where I live, recently asked me to take up the collection for 50/50. Though I had an idea about what that was, I inquired about it. It further revealed my concerns after she had explained. But I informed her; because of my relationship with God, I do not participate in such. I told her it was like gambling and taking a chance. She seemed stunned but found someone to do it. Now, I know what some are thinking. You’re saying it would be no harm in merely collecting the money and giving out the tickets. But the Bible instructs me not give the appearance of wrongdoing. “Therefore, do not let what is a good thing for you [because of your freedom to choose] be spoken of as evil [by someone else];” (Romans 14:16; Note 12-15). I am delighted to say I did not cave in. The behavior of others doesn’t matter to me. I have to give in account to God for every deed I do. Besides, sin doesn’t produce fulfillment. It provides a temporary fix until it satisfies the next desire. Beloved, don’t let anyone deceive you. The enemy paints an enticing image to lure you into the pleasures of the world. Some appear as harmless, and you even convince yourself to indulge your flesh. When you feel it’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing, check your lifestyle because a child of God will never be content in sin. Nor will you rationalize and get offended about that which doesn’t comply with the Lord’s standards. “So, any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17). Since Jesus gave His life for our sins, we should strive to please and bring Him glory. We owe all to Him so, live like that.
I pray the Musical Selection; At The Cross by Chris Tomlin stirs your heart.
I welcome your comments and answers to these questions as such is encouraging.
Why is it critical not to give in to the appearance of sin?
What would have been your response to the President of the Tenant Association?
What would be the harm in merely collecting the money and giving out the tickets?
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