Everyone is born in sin and shaped in iniquity. Psalms 51:5. No one is born saved. And spiritual and physical death resulted from the sin of Adam. And children, no matter how sweet, aren’t innocent. We all have sinned and come short of God’s glory. John 14:6 says; Jesus is the way, the truth, the life. Salvation comes from the Lord. And everyone has offended God. Therefore, Christ’s death is the only atonement for our sin. Acts 4:12. The only way to receive Him is through the confession that He is the Son of God, to repent, and ask for forgiveness. And accept Him as your Savior. This makes it an individual choice.
So, the question is what about babies and children incapable of making such a sound decision? What about when they die before they are of age to make this personal choice? The age of accountability is the concept that those who die at an age unable to make that decision, because of grace and mercy they are automatically saved. It is a belief that all those who die without the ability to possess the ability to make a decision to accept Christ or not, God saves them. Romans 1:20. What about children who do not have the foresight to see God’s attributes and holiness? Would they not receive an exemption?
Some believe thirteen is the typical age accepted for accountability. But the Bible does not state this. This under Jewish customs. They considered a child accountable when they are capable of carrying out a sound decision about salvation, rather they are for or against God. Jesus died for all humanity. John 2:2. But the Bible teaches that the soul that sins shall die. (Ezekiel 18:3). Christ teaches that the person who obeys, walks in integrity and is righteous he shall live. (Ezekiel 18:5-9). But if a son of a father who is righteous sins, the Lord doesn’t hold the parent accountable for his child’s sin. (Ezekiel 18:10-13). Even when a parent who does not serve God and his child offers his heart to God, He isn’t guilty of the sins of his father. (Ezekiel 18:14-18).
Christ could pay the penalty for the sin of those who are incapable of believing, but the Bible does not specifically state this. It is my position that for babies and those who are mentally disabled and unable to make such a decision about salvation, God applies Christ’s death as an atonement for their sins. This is consistent with whom God is. He is loving, merciful, full of grace, holy, righteous, and just.
Please answer your question with scriptures.
Is it biblical truth that the sins of the children are on the parents through age 12?
Does God send children to hell?
Just because a child may not be at an age of accountability, should the parent teach them truth over error? Right from wrong? Or should they wait until they can fully understand about salvation?
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