Being a parent has many rewards and some tough choices as well. One such is the point at which your child says their spouse represents the cause of their marriage issues when it’s their fault as well. Parents, listen! I know you love your child, but the best you can do is advice your child to accept responsibility for their contribution to their marital problems. Decline to support them by taking sides when you know they are wrong even if it means they stop speaking to you.
1. The enemy is the problem -
Encourage them to stop seeing their spouse as the problem and realize the enemy is the devil. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) Arguing, complaining and affixing blame only intensifies the situation and keeps them going around the revolving door of despair. In essence, it keeps them doing things the same way while expecting different results.
2. Pray -Encourage your child to pray for their spouse. Also, be loving and tenderhearted, change their attitude, be accountable for their actions, and allow God to change their pride into prayer. This will evict the enemy.
3. Forgive -Parents forgiveness heals and set your soul free. Therefore, practice forgiveness and accept the fact that though none of us merits God’s grace, it’s what their marriage needs to prosper. So, turn it over to God and watch Him restore and replenish and make all things new.
Lord, help my child to be tenderhearted toward their spouse. Teach them how to control their emotions and be led of the Holy Spirit and their words to be graceful so they no longer hurt their spouse.
Vernita’s author/speaker devotionals reveals Jesus by spreading love, hope, and faith and spans the globe on various platforms