Christmas is an extraordinary time of the year. It is majestic and brings hope. And this holiday is the evidence reminding us that no matter how bad things get, a grander outcome is possible. So, whatever your needs are this Christmas season, believe because nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37). Beloved, believe because God will answer your prayers, but it will not be what you are expecting.
You will see this inspiring lesson in the classic film, Believe. When Matthew Peyt (Ryan O'Quinn), has to close his business resulting in canceling the town's beloved Christmas pageant, he learns a valuable lesson that goes beyond working hard to gain a comfortable lifestyle. In an unlikely encounter with Clarence Joseph (Isaac Brown) and his mother, Sharon Joseph (Danielle Nicolet), Matthew experiences a valuable lesson about going beyond working hard to gain a comfortable lifestyle. He discovers that when you have nothing, faith becomes a treasured possession.
Therefore, this Christmas season, open your heart to the underprivileged, those in need, and the unloved. Some are homeless. Some live in substandard conditions where there is no heat or hot water. Others barely have food, let alone a Christmas meal to look forward to. All they have is faith in a miracle. Since the true spirit of Christmas is about the birth of Baby Jesus and being a blessing as the Shepherds offered Him precious gifts, we can all follow their example. (Matthew 25:34-40; Philippians 2:3-5).
So, be their miracle. Be the one who shows love by bringing them a Christmas they never thought possible. That would be the warmth of love by looking down on them as you pick them up and fill their life with joy. There are countless ways to bless those who do not have much. Gift the needy with blankets, food, and toys for children. There might be a neighbor you can be a source of hope to. They do not ask for much but; they will be grateful for whatever you can give. So, give someone hope beyond their wildest dreams.
And let us not forget the best present we can bring is to those who have not accepted Jesus as their Savior. We need only share the genuine meaning of Christmas which, is the birth of Jesus and what it brought us. The day Jesus was born, He provided access to the Savior who would offer His life for humanity. Therefore, His birth presented us with the gift of salvation. And salvation includes deliverance, healing, restoration, protection, provision, a life of freedom, and wholeness in body, mind, and spirit. God gave us His best, so we should offer His best to others. (Matthew 1:21)
Merry Christmas. I pray this song, Give This Christmas Away by Matthew West, inspires your heart.
Here are some foundations you can donate to help the needy this Christmas season.

Bless your family, friends, and others with a gift that says they are special