The heart is very delicate. It’s a vital organ within our body. God created this precious organ with the ability to love others. Whether it’s a parent’s love for their child or the love between a man and a woman, the heart must be handled gently. Therefore, when you venture out into a relationship what you hope to be that extraordinary man, you must guard your heart. This is easier said than done because, when past hurts are like an echo in your mind, your heart may have become callous and hardened. This prevents you from giving love a chance. To combat this, women must first offer their heart to God. The means to make this possible is to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind.
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 And Jesus replied to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. -Matthew 22:36-38
To love God is to be devoted to Him, and obey His Word. This is not merely lip service or a ritual act of worship. It's being wrapped in everything that brings God glory. It’s a sincere heart that does what God Words says. It’s being connected completely with the Lord it spills over into every relationship you have. You love the way God loves you. But you do so without holding on to a relationship with a man that’s unloving. This requires knowing the heart of your Father and when He has blessed you with His absolute best.
So, first and most importantly, your heart should be synced with Jesus as His heart is with His Father. One attribute God and His Son had in common was their heart was in unison. I and the Father are One [in essence and nature].” (John 10:30). Jesus lived in absolute obedience to His Father. When your heart is synced with God, it’s hidden in all that He is. In fact, it’s so wrapped in God that you won’t be taken in by a man’s charm and much pleasant speech. Therefore, this man will display all the attributes of God. He is respectful, a man of integrity, kind and compassionate, passionate, strong, and a man after God’s own heart. And when He had removed him, He raised up David to be their king: of him He testified and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart [conforming to My will and purposes], who will do all My will.’ (Acts 13:22). Even with his flaws, he’s responsible, trustworthy in business deals, a man of his word. He sees you too magnificent and lovely to mistreat you in any way.
Because women love with their heart, it’s essential to first offer your heart to God before granting access to any man. Like a lad asking your parents permission to court you, he’s already seeking God about you. Therefore, he has to go to God and seek permission to court you. He’ll seek God to find you. This is proof his heart is in sync with God.
I know this may seem strange to some, but if more parents would deny access to their son or daughter’s heart before first testing the person they date relationship with God, they would see less pain in the relationship and more respect, trust, and love. This is not to say there won’t be problems. But you honor God in your relationship through mutual respect and obedience to God. This sets the tone for a virtuous relationship to blossom.
Some, are so desperate for love and acceptance, they offer their heart to the person who should never have had it. They reveal too much too soon and end up with a broken heart. How can we prevent this cycle of despair? Your relationship with God remains the key. Hide your heart in God, and connect with Him in a way that makes you inseparable. For I am convinced [and continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt] that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39). When this happens, a man can see through your actions and attitude how close you are to the Father’s heart. It's written all over your face. Unless he doesn’t have your best interest at heart, he will give you the honor you deserve. Because he fears the Lord, he will work in harmony with you and be a blessing to you.
Father, keep my heart sync with your heart. Empower me to hear the beat of your heart that directs me in all my ways. Keep me from what’s not in your most beneficial interest for me. Lead me to what’s best for me. I thank you, Lord. Amen.
I pray the musical selection; God Girl by Jamie Gray blesses you immensely.
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