It may not seem like it, but the small things make a big difference. Often you look for God to answer your prayers through great fanfare and acclaim. But it’s the foolish things God uses to do mighty exploits through.
But God has selected [for His purpose] the foolish things of the world to shame the wise [revealing their ignorance], and God has selected [for His purpose] the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong [revealing their frailty]. 1 Corinthians 1:27-29
For Moses, it was a staff. (Exodus 4:2). Sampson used a fresh jawbone of a donkey and defeated his enemies. (Joshua 15:15). In 1 Kings 17:12,7-16), He blessed the widow and her son with the overflow when she gave Elijah all she had. A cloud as small as a man’s hand was the sign He used to foretell the drought was over, and an abundance of rain was released. (1 Kings 18:44). He miraculously feeds 5000 men plus women and children with the little lad’s two fish and five barley loaves. (John 6:9). Even faith the size of a mustard seed is relevant. (Matthew 13:32).
Whenever there’s a need for the impossible to occur, God uses the unusual to amaze you. Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! There is nothing too difficult or too wonderful for You.—Jeremiah 32:17, AMP
Thus, that situation that seems as if it will never change, God will use the less likely means to work it to your favor. That marriage that’s on the verge of collapsing, God will intercede in an unexpected way and bring restoration. So, your child is rebellious, and on the road to bringing you utter shame. God will bring just the right person to get through to him like you never have. The finances you need will come by your obedience and trust God and leave the outcome to Him. Wrong thinking and bad habits have you spinning out of control, God has the therapy that will deliver you. However great your need is God’s means of the provision is even greater.
Never underestimate God's power to turn what appears hopeless, defeated, and downright impossible into the unimaginable. When all odds are against you, and you're outnumbered, God will send help and resources in the less likely way. If you're up against an army larger, stronger, and an arsenal bent on your utter destruction, fret not. Though your team is small, God has the tools, people, strategic plan, and everything you need to defeat your enemy. When your need exceeds your resources, God will use something foolish to leave all Awe-Struck.
Father, I am at the time where my needs exceed my resources. I place my trust in you alone. I am confident you will make a way out of no way. Thank you, Lord, for using the foolish things to leave all amazed, even me. Amen.

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