You perceive your world's not right. You're wondering when it will all get better. You’ve faced one battle after another. It doesn’t make sense to you. You ask yourself why things never turn out good for you.
In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [draw your strength from Him and be empowered through your union with Him] and in the power of His [boundless] might. -Ephesians 6:10, AMP).
When the waves come in like a mighty flood, it's going to make you stronger. When you give unselfishly and stay faithful to your marriage, and your spouse walks out, it's going to make you stronger. When you work on that job for years and lose it without a justifiable cause, it's going to make you stronger. When you children treat you like you're not good enough to be their parent, it's going to make you stronger. When you're going through a physical alignment which turns your world upside down, don't fret because it's making you stronger. Regardless of what your situation may be, God's helping you get through it. You’ll discover you’re stronger than you think.
Beloved, it's going to get better. Hold on to God because He is there even though you can't see Him. This unfavorable season will end, the pain won't last forever. It's going to turn in your favor. Don’t lose heart. God knows this hurts you and He will deliver you. Thrust it all on God, grab hold of His hand and watch Him turn your sorrow into joy and your pain into praise. He’ll deliver peace to your troubled mind. Hold on a little longer. It won't last forever. It's going to make you stronger.
Enjoy the musical selection by Mandisa- Stronger
Lord, give me the strength to persevere and prove faithful to you. I believe better days are coming, and I am getting stronger. In Jesus Name. Amen
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