Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. -Philippians 4:6
We live in the age when so many are anxious. They spend far too much time on Worry Lane allowing their thoughts to wander off course. The external pressures they see become bigger than they can bear and they wonder if it’s even possible to feel happy again. Thus, the issue is to find out where their anxiety comes from. The answer to that is their thoughts are creating inner turmoil. When bad thoughts occupy your mind, it interferes with how you perceive things. When that happens, you began to worry and become anxious.
Through how you take in what’s occurring around you-you open the door for anxiety to invade your heart, mind, and soul. This places you on Invasion Road where your thoughts showcase the worst possible outcome. You have even deprived yourself of a joyful life because you always expect something to go wrong. You’ve convinced yourself that nothing turns out right. Thus, your anxious mind has you afraid of the future. God knew we would worry. But He never intended for us to fret and worry about how things are.
Internal problems will occur in life. Things will happen that you won’t be able to control. You’ll even be the cause of some circumstances that goes wrong. But God wants you to give your problems over to Him because He is the only one who can work it all out for your good. The Bible even urges you to pray about every situation and bring your petitions to God while offering praise of thanksgiving for what He already has done.
So, Beloved, what have you allowed to enter your mind? The question you have to ask yourself is; How did I end up on Anxious Court when God's Word promises:
Exceedingly abundant provisions (Ephesians 3:20)
The peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7-9)
You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you (Philippians 4:13)
A way out of no way (Isaiah 43:6)
And He even assures you He is the God that heals you (Exodus 15:26)
Are you worried about how someone feels about you? Are you anxious over what they are saying about you? God’s Word assures that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are made in His image.
Do you worry about your bills? Are you concerned about how to provide for your family because your needs exceed your income and resources? The Lord will bless you with more than enough.
Maybe, you are afraid to disagree for fear of losing the approval of others. Your disagreement will put you on the path that propels you to the destiny God has planned for you.
Are you anxious over a situation on your job? Your family? School? Relationship? God informs us when we live according to His purpose, instead of trying to control the problem, He will work it all out for our good.
Perhaps circumstances or health issues are causing undue stress and anxiety. There is nothing impossible with God.
It’s time to turn on God’s Escape Route. It’ll show you how to keep the enemy out. One great way to put a stop to the enemy’s thoughts roaming your mind is to spend time in prayer. Worrying always steals precious time from what is most important. It keeps you pre-occupied on the problem and not what God is doing behind the scenes. When was the last time you spent some serious time alone communing with the Lord? How long has it been since you studied the Word of God? When was the last time you were in fellowship with the Body of Christ? Who are you spending time with? It’s important to develop relationships with those who will help you live a life of victory. And you’ll have to change the way you think. The mind is the doorway to the heart. Whenever wrong thoughts enter your mind, you meditate on them and then act on it. Exit Invasion Road and found comfort in being transformed by renewing your mind.
Often, when we have problems, we focus more on them and not praying about them. Before we know it, we’re in Focus Valley. Our focus becomes so strong that the problem seems bigger than God’s power to solve them. Thus, we try to solve them in our own strength when God’s Word encourages us to walk by faith. We even come with our own expectations of how the answer to the problem turns out. Sometimes, God does grant us that answer. But He does not promise everything will turn out as we expected or hoped for. He may not respond to our liking, but He will give us tranquility and peace and get us through it. Our circumstances may not change, but He changes our perspective on the process so we won’t endure unnecessary turmoil.
It’s time to discover What’s Most Important Boulevard. If someone doesn’t like you, so what? When you know who you are in Christ and God’s glorified through your life, that’s worthy of praise. If someone expects you to live up to their expectations, you’ll have to reevaluate the worth of the relationship. So, what if someone disagrees with you. People always voice their opinion. Beloved, fret not over that. So, what if they have more followers than you. Your life is priceless and worth more than some numbers of clicks on social media. Whatever your situation is, you can trust God no matter what and leave the outcome to Him. This is a sure way to overcome anxiety.
God never promised we would not have problems, nor grant us every petition we prayed for. He does not guarantee us a life without pain, disappointments, hardships, or sufferings. God shows us our own limitations and assures us that His grace is sufficient and we can be made strong through our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9). He even gives us hope to endure when we pray about the situation and look to Him. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]. (Philippians 4:7). When we earnestly pray, give thanks and turn it over to God we can experience God's peace. God is in charge, and we don’t have to worry about anything. Thus, one thing is for sure we don’t have to worry about something God has already worked in our favor.
Father, calm my anxious soul. I thrust all my cares in your hands. You are in control and I choose not to worry. I look to you. Thank you for your peace because I know even if circumstances don’t turn out as I like, you will see me through it. Amen.
Enjoy the musical selection, Sparrow by Jason Gray because God holds tomorrow.
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