We all face them at some point and time in our life. We have barriers designed to keep us from living a purposeful life in Christ. These come from believing what you should not. Such a belief keeps you from living up to your potential. To be more than what they told you are, you have to want more than any negative thought, your mind conceived.
The word barrier is a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progress.
One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. You’ve heard this scripture too. But do you believe it? Do you know God has a great plan and purpose for your life? Do you think there is something more out there for you? By the time you finish reading this inspirational reading, I hope you will have changed your way of thinking. Also, you can begin by realizing that your thoughts are powerful and addictive. You may be thinking that nothing ever turns out good for me. Dear One, you need to consider renewing your mind. (Romans 12:2, KJV).
Thoughts form when we are young and innocent as we watch our surroundings. The atmosphere of the home sets the tone for what we believe and practice. Children raised in a home where they receive encouragement, parents respect them, love for their uniqueness, and values, and learn to be accountable and responsible for their actions are more prone to grow up and live a productive and wholesome life. In a word, they have a better chance to thrive. However, when they feel invisible, compete for love and affection, broken down with words that strip them of their self-worth, they are more likely to become angry, bitter, feel inadequate, ashamed, and not accepted.
When children live with a parent who stays depressed, filled with anxiety, feels everyone is against them, has an unsteady record of employment, stays in debt, affix blame, and so forth, they are more likely to develop such customs. These become barriers that affect their future. So, my question is, what happened to you that altered God's plan and purpose for your life?
You may be going around the revolving door of despair, wondering why is that every time you get close to making something out of yourself, something happens to hinder you from progressing. You keep getting passed over for that promotion. You go from one bad relationship to another. You consistently move from one place to another place. You may be among those who always have an issue with your children. Maybe, you are always broke. You are always thinking about the worst to happen. Whether your plight could be, there is hope. Here are 3 steps you can take to destroy the barriers that hinder you from thriving.
1. Overcoming Negative Habits from Your Past
Whatever someone has accustomed you to believing has become your norm. But God created you to tear down that stronghold of doing things the same way. It is time to release yourself from the bad and unhealthy habits of your past. Beloved, you can destroy any form of dysfunction which has hindered you. You don’t have to continue to take your aggression out on others. You could use that energy to fight the battlefield of your mind. You can let go of believing the worse will always happen. You can be free from depression, fears, phobias, and anxieties by getting to the root cause of these feelings. You start by going back to that moment in time when your life changed drastically.
It requires you to come out of denial and face up to the truth. It calls for forgiveness of those who hurt you, even if it’s your parents. Likewise, it needs you to seek help from a professional or someone who can spiritually help you overcome wrong thoughts and negative behaviors. It calls for you to take another path and choose to do something better for your life. People may alienate you, misunderstand your actions, and it may even be a bit scary, but you can do it. You deserve to be set free. So, if the Son sets you free, you are unquestionably free. (John 8:36, AMP). But you cannot do it by yourself. Beloved, don’t be ashamed to ask for help but, be careful who you let help you.
In the next message, we will discuss steps 2 and 3. God loves you, and He wants you to Thrive!
1. What barriers do you need to overcome to live out God's plan and the purpose He has for your life?
2. How has this lesson helped you begin tearing down those barriers that have stopped you from thriving?
Can you encourage someone today? Please comment on how this devotional inspired you, hit that heart, and share.
I pray the song; Breakthrough by Red Rock Worship stirs your heart and faith in God.
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