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Be The Miracle

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

Updated: Dec 26, 2024


It’s the holiday season. And one thing countless others are in need of this Christmas season is a miracle.

After watching the timeless movie, The Christmas Candle, I was touched deeply when the Pastor said to a member, “Be the miracle”. I thought to myself how profound that command was. We are privileged to have the recordings of the Bible of the numerous miracles God performed. Such include the crossing of the Red Sea. (Exodus 14, Note 26-31). Mark 2:9-12, records the story of the paralyzed man who walked. Then, there is the astonishing account of Jesus walking on water. (Matthew 14:22-33). And what about how Jesus brings Jairus’s twelve-year-old daughter back to life? (Luke 8:40-53). Even the miraculous birth of His Son, Jesus Christ, leaves us in awe. (Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20).

According to Strong Concordance, a Miracle is - 4652 miphla'ah mif-law-aw' from 6381; a miracle: --wondrous work. (1).

In a word, a miracle is an act that only God can perform. It supersedes the natural law, time, space, and matter because it is supernatural! Though all these biblical stories prove God's phenomenal power, He still does perform miracles today. He does so in what some may consider unconventional. And I do believe in miracles.

Jesus allowed the disciples to be joint heirs with Him through which a miracle would unfold when He taught the crowd of 5,000 plus women and children. When His disciples inquired about providing food for such a large crowd, Jesus only wanted them to believe the impossible. "But He said to them, “You give them something to eat.” They said, “We have no more than five loaves and two fish—unless perhaps we go and buy food for all these people.” (Luke 9:11-17).

Although they failed to apply their faith, He allowed them to play a significant role in organizing the group and serving so everybody would be fed. After Jesus blesses the fish and loaves, a miraculous increase takes place. God does the same for us when He grants us an avenue to use what we have and become the miracle through which He will supersede our abilities. It is Jesus who performs the miracle.

Have I piqued your interest, and you are wondering, since these are all life-changing evidence of the supernatural power of God, what other means do miracles occur? I am so glad you asked. Most seek a miracle when they are desperate for the impossible to happen. And you can make a massive difference in the lives of others by choosing to be their miracle. Beloved, you can touch them profoundly. Besides, the Bible compels us to do so.

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due [its rightful recipients], When it is in your power to do it. (Proverbs 3:27).

Are you wondering how to bring hope to others? Look for someone who needs it. There are countless out there who long for a brighter tomorrow. You need only to be attentive to the signs. Listen to their cry. It is in what they say and even what they fail to say. It is the person who spends their days alone and is lonely. You can see it in the child whose parent is incarnated and does not know if they will receive a gift this season. You can do it for the homeless and the hungry who need shelter from the cold. And do not forget; the broken and forgotten, hoping this season will bring them hope.

Be the one who seizes the opportunity to commit a random act of kindness. Open your heart to those less fortunate. Open your heart to the one you find difficult to forgive. Be the voice who comforts and holds the hurting. Be the one who lays hands on the sick, asking God to do what is inconceivable. Be the one who goes where others would dare not go and do what others feel is beneath them. You may say, “I do not have much.” But it is not in how much you have but giving the little that you do have. Never allow the amount you have to keep you from giving to others. Beloved, open your heart and be the miracle by unselfishly giving of your time and service and God will show-up and show-off in the form of the miracle.

Father, I choose to be the miracle and bring hope where there is despair. I will encourage the brokenhearted and give the best of my time and service. With eyes of Your love and a heart of compassion, I place myself at Your disposal to lead me to those to be a blessing and a miracle for today.

Enjoy the Musical Selection -Light A Candle by Avalon. From my house to yours, Have A Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Bless those in need this Christmas Season by Donating to these worthy causes.

Bless a child in need through the Brandon Burlsworth Foundation


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