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Writer's pictureVernita "Neat" Simmons

God's Promises Are True ~ 3 Character Traits Being Developed While Waiting - Part 1

Don’t Give Up!

Waiting is a natural process of life. Sometimes we have to wait in line to be served. We wait for seasons to change. We wait in traffic due to unforeseen incidents. We wait for our circumstances to change for the better. Under normal conditions, we even had to wait for nine month before we were born… And the list goes on. Whether for good or bad, we will encounter a period which requires us to wait. Though waiting is something we can’t override, most don’t like to wait. It’s irritating. You may become frustrated, even angry.

We live a microwaveable world that makes people less patient and finds it inconvenient to have to wait. Technology has made it easily accessible to gain access to just about anything we need. We have the internet which affords us to gain quick retrieval of information just by a click of a bottom. We have the microwave that not only warms up food within seconds, but can cook bags of frozen precut vegetables and other foods quickly, as well. And processors such as a slow cooker that allows you to cook food while at work. There is the opportunity to be serviced quickly by filling out an application online. And when you order food from various places, etc. you can even track your order and tell what time it is due to arrive.

With all this ‘give it to me quickly’ mentality, it’s no wonder people are far less patient than ever before. And when you have to wait, tempers flare up, and the real you are revealed. But, the truth is that no matter how advance technology has made it to avoid the so called dreaded waiting period, there will always be something we have to wait for. Thus, we will not be able to bypass waiting in every situation. This includes waiting for the plan and purpose God has designed for your life to manifest.

I know, you feel you are ready. You’ve been committed to your “Call” … You’ve been faithful in attendance. You’ve even been on time at your post. You’ve been diligent, tenacious and a hard-conscientious worker. So, why can’t I step into my position now? Why won’t they advance me, and make good use of my skills? There’s more to me than being an Usher. There’s more to than being a background singer on the Praise & Worship Team. There’s more to me than just speaking on a platform service that reduces my time from 10 minutes to a 5-minute segment speaking forum. I want to make a difference, so why do I have to wait? Justifiable questions, you say…

Well, Dear One, waiting is a time for preparation, equipping, and building character. The process may be grueling, but well worth the wait. You see – no one fulfills their purpose without having been going through the fire. No one steps into their destiny without having first having had their faith tested beyond the limits. No one becomes who God created them to be without having a desert experience. You ask how I know this is true? Come, take a brief journey with me, and learn the essence of waiting upon the promises of God to come to pass.

Abraham and Sara waited 25 years before their promise seed, Isaac, was born. (Exodus 12: 1-4; 17:15-17; 18;9-15; 21:1-3) Moses and the children of Israel wondered in the wilderness 40 years before entering the promise land. (Exodus chapters 1-12; 3:8; Numbers 14:34). Caleb waited 45 years for the inheritance of the land God promised to the children of Israel. (Joshua 14:7-12). I published my first book more than 40 years after I wrote my first play…What did we all have in common, you ask? We persevered, we held on to hope, we had unshakable faith in God because we expected God to amaze us. We learned the essence of waiting! So, Trust God no matter what, and He will go beyond your wildest dreams. In my next article, we'll examine three important elements that will open your eyes to an incredible process that's going on while you wait.

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