Greater, the incredible story of Brandon Burlsworth, who is inconceivable the greatest walk-on in college football, inspired this captivating piece of art. From the time Brandon was a young boy, he had child-like faith. His colleagues saw him as goofy. His coach told him we would never play. Brandon took a risk and walked on in 1994. But it did not stop there.
I know what it is like to be teased and made to feel as if you are inferior; you are not good enough nor beautiful enough, either. My classmates ridiculed me because of a condition known as lazy eye. Somehow, they found it amusing to call me; Clarence the cockeyed lion; from one of my favorite TV programs, Born Free. So, my passion drives me to bring awareness, hope, and inspiration to anyone who has been made to feel like they are a misfit and not good enough.
Now, being raised by my grandmother presented me with a striking picture of who I was. So, I emerged myself in Joel 2:28, ESV. Therefore, the Lord made me brave and resilient, able to take what they intended to crush my spirit without retaliation. My identity is in Him, and I knew He loved me and had created me to do more than I had imagined. (Psalms 139:14,KJV). I discovered that true beauty comes from seeing myself through the eyes of God, who created me in His matchless, impeccable, and magnificent image. (Genesis 1: 27, ESV). And in this extraordinary book, I will teach you how to rise above the cruel and inhumane negative assessments of the naysayers because your identity is in Christ. Beloved, know who you are because of who He is. And when you recognize that, you will never be the same. You can overcome all that pain and become who God created you to be.
Every time anybody told Brandon what he would not achieve, he; proved them wrong. He excelled beyond their expectations. No matter how the circumstances looked, he never lost faith in his team. Everything appeared hopeless, and many saw the Razorbacks as nothing; He encouraged them to do it the Burls way. Brandon challenged his fellow brothers to believe in a comeback. He knew they had what it took to be that élite football team against overwhelming odds.
Be encouraged, because if God did this for Brandon and me, He has something greater for you. We are cheering for you! Therefore, I dedicate this empowering book to all the boys and girls who have been told you are not good enough. It is for the men and women whose nemesis have convinced them that they are worthless and a nobody. They do so because they envy you. Likewise, to those who have been bullied, teased, and made to feel as if they are invisible. Those treated like they are unimportant or less likely to achieve their dreams and make a difference. Beloved, it's time to see yourself as God sees you. He has a sensational plan and purpose for your life, too. And without any doubt, you are good enough, beautiful enough, strong enough, and smart enough. Therefore, we can do something outrageously spectacular! Together we can show them better than we can tell them.
Here are the lyrics to the first and last verse of Born Free. (1)
And I am a true example of these words.
Born free, as free as the wind blows As free as the grass grows Born free to follow your heart
Born free and life is worth living But only worth living 'Cause you're born free
Here is an excerpt from Chapter 1 ~ God Made You Good Enough
In the times, we live in, for; too many, society perpetuates the message that image means everything. You are expected to look and act a certain way. Society expects women to have the figure of a world-famous model, and men are expected to have the chiseled athletic body of a weightlifter. It is an unrealistic expectation.
I dedicate this book to those who have ever been told you aren't good enough. Not a good enough spouse, or a poor parent. You aren't good enough to be in the ministry, not good enough in your profession, bad at sports, can't write, on and on the list of negatives goes. However, you must overcome these negative declarations and, undeterred, choose to take a risk-become who God created you to be.
Have people commented that you are an embarrassment, a nuisance, and goofy? So, what if you're different, quiet, or seen as a nerd? That's not who God says you are according to scripture. So, you must be resolved to fulfill God's plan and purpose for your life.
Everyone has gifts, talents, skills, and potential. Everyone is good at something.
Hungry For More? Come, join me in getting this message in this book out to the world. God will raise anyone written off by their nemesis who sees who you will become to show them there is more to you than meets the eye. Thus, I am honored to take part in a grand opportunity. Portions of these book sales go to the Brandon Burlsworth Foundation. I pray the musical selection, I Am Who He Says I Am by Hillsong, stirs your heart.
To help in this great opportunity order your copy today.
Thank you for your support. God, bless you bountifully!