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A Prayer Warrior's Heart ~ 7 Battle Plans For Prayer To Combat The Enemy ~ Prayer Strategies 6-7

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

Battle Plans 6-7 ~

6). Strongholds are broken ~ It takes time for a bad situation to change for the better. It takes time to amend your ways. But there is good within the bad. However, sometimes, we can’t see it because our focus is on the awful way in which we are treated. But, isn’t it good to know, God always has our best interest at heart. He will send His ambassador to intervene on our behalf. That’s who Miss Claire was to Elizabeth.

It wasn’t easy for Elizabeth to change her way of dealing with her husband. But as she submitted to God and continued steadfast in prayer, her heart and attitude changed for the better. Her relationship with her daughter brightened, and had a profound affected upon Danielle. Even Tony noticed significant change in his wife. And when Tony stumbled upon her prayer closet and read her prayers, eventually, his harden heart was soften, and he rededicated his life to God. He dropped to his knees and cried out to Christ. He even reconnected with his daughter. And through forgiveness on both their parts, the Lord demolished those strongholds, and Tony became a new man. They witness God revive and replenish their family.

And God does this for you when you realize you can’t continue to allow your selfish pride and arrogance to over-rule your need to change. When you stop struggling and see you aren’t fighting against the world’s principles, and yield to God, you’ll be delivered and set free. “For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds,5 [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). The power of prayer gives you strength to resist your need to reason and humble yourself before God.

7). We all need God’s Grace ~ Thus, begin to spend time every day with God in prayer. Ask God for His grace and mercy. Pray for their salvation. Pray for their heart to be more like Christ. Perhaps, this may be difficult for you because you've been mistreated. And you feel the person doesn’t deserve grace. Whether you feel they deserve grace or not, isn't the issue. It’s irrelevant! Elizabeth discovered this once she relinquished her will to God. Even Tony, was granted grace after admitting to his wrongdoing and being willing to take full responsibility, whatever the consequences. Though, he had already been fired, and could had gone to prison for stealing drug samples, his former boss, so touched by him making amends, decided not to press charges.

So, does God love the person you have conflict with? Will God extend grace to them as He has to you? You see - The same God that granted you grace has no respect of persons. Beloved, I can assure you when you get down on your knees, and cry out to God in prayer, surrender your heat and will to Him, a glorious change will unfold. When you pray, God, your mighty conqueror, is working behind the scenes. When you repent, and yield to the Lord, His forgiving grace will amaze you. And the devil shakes and tremble at the mention of the name of Jesus.

So, have you been going thru a situation with your family and it's getting worse? Have that situation on your job escalated, leaving you with a desire to quit, but can’t because you need the income? Has that health issue served you a death sentence? ...You get the point! ... And your focus is the problem, so you resort to affixing blame and fighting against the one you see causing the problem .... However, you feel like you never win. Let me ask you something? How has that worked out for you? Can you not see that the problem isn't who you're fighting against? Beloved, submit to the Lord in prayer, live passionately for Him, turn it over to God, and watch Him restore, replenish, refuel and give you the victory.

You will soon witness a change in your attitude and found a fresh love for whoever you have a problem with. You will become empathetic, and will cease being easily offended. This new spirit in you can even affect positive change in the ones you are praying for. By Elizabeth’s obedience to submit to God and pray for her family, the devil could not steal her marriage, husband nor her relationship with her daughter. Eventually, Tony rededicated his life to Christ and reconnected with his daughter. He was blessed with a new job at the Community Center and Elizabeth sales Miss Claire’s home and picks up extra work.

Though, this is a process, God of the Angel Armies will do a new thing in your marriage, family, on your job, with your health, your finances, and relationships. For with God nothing [is or ever] shall be impossible.” (Luke 1:37). And if you’re wondering about Miss Clair … Well… she moves in with her son, Clive. Then, prays a powerful prayer and calls forth warriors to rise. Perhaps, after hearing her prayer, you may realize that you too, are a Prayer Warrior. Therefore, as you enter this New Year of promise and prosperity, commit to change your circumstances through the awesome power of prayer!

Happy Victorious New Year

And may the song; "Raging War" by CeCe Winas stir your heart and empower you.

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