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Impacting Lives and Ignite A Spiritual Awakening

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

We each have the ability to make a difference in the lives of others. In one form or another, we can change the way an individual thinks, feels and see their self. The questions are; how are you impacting lives for the better? Do you go out your way to help others? Are you thinking of the interests of others? Do you help others thrive?

Now, God has a plan and purpose for everyone. And Christians can impact others by being Christ like. You must allow God total access and control of your life so He can use you to make a difference. Surely, the power of influence is within your grasp.

Now, the means in which you impact others have much to do with your character. So, let’s examine some means in how a Christian can influence lives for the better. Let’s see how we can impact lives and motivate someone to rise to their potential and ignite a spiritual awakening within the world.

First, let’s examine what it means to influence:

Influence: The capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others.(1)

Impact: The effect or impression of one person or thing on another:

To have an effect or impact. (2)

A Cheerful Attitude: Your attitude can change the atmosphere. Whether it’s at home, on your job, within your church, community, when encountering a stranger, etc., your attitude speaks volumes. It reveals what is in your heart. So, having a cheerful attitude sets you apart from the norm. It brings light in dark places. So, with that enthusiasm, you can ignite a spark that set the world on fire.

Looking out for the interest of others ~ We all need someone who cares enough to love us regardless of whom we are. Thus, it is good to have someone who we can depend not only when things are going good, but during the toughest times of our life. Sometimes, all is required is a word of encouragement which reaffirms to those going through a tough situation, that they are not alone. And this just what you can do because God made you impactable.

You are the one they need in their valley experiences and on their mountain top victories. In a word, you are someone they can truly count on. So, impacting others means being sensitive to the needs of others, and one who is wise enough to know when that individual needs to vent, but will not allow him or her to soak in self-pity.

It means to look for ways to serve in a capacity that will benefit someone in need. For example, you can volunteer your service. Or, sit with your elderly neighbor for a while. You can train and equip others, mentor, and even gently correct and you can take a stand for Christ and speak out!…Simply, speak the truth in love.

Inspire Others ~ We all have potential to do great exploits. However, some need an extra push to begin the process of moving forward. To put it differently, there are times someone needs to be inspired. Well, Dear One, you are the one who can unlock untapped potential and skills in others.

Surely, God has crafted something in you which give others a sense of belonging. And you are the one who can instill hope when they are in despair. You can raise their level of expectation and trust in the Lord after they have been crushed by the Naysayers negative assessments. Thus, you are able to show them that neither public opinion nor bad circumstances will impede them from fulfilling God’s awesome plan and purpose He has ordained for their life.

You are the one who can help them see themselves as God sees them. Your vote of confidence in their abilities, builds their self-worth. In a word you can use your gifts and talents to help bring out the best in others.

Treating with respect and dignity ~ The world has lost the value of showing respect. There is a lack of reverence for the life of others. And I know respect is earned, but, to be impactable, you must give respect whether it’s deserved or not. It’s a grand opportunity to show by example, how you esteem the life of someone else.

So, you may be the only Christian in your family who God can use to draw them into a relationship with Christ. You may be the only who can spark a spiritual awareness by impacting that one person and they affect change in the lives of countless others. You may be the one who God uses to reveal the greatness within many lives so He can use them for His glory. Go For it, Beloved! ~ be Impactable and ignite a spiritual awakening across the nation.

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