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With A Grateful Heart

Every day, God is good and that alone, is a reason to give Him thanks. And certainly, we have much to be thankful for.

In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 AMP)

Thus, giving thanks isn't contingent upon something good occurring in your life. Even during hardships, be grateful because such events are developing you for God’s purpose in your life. Now, I realize this may be tough for some to do. You see - When you look at your circumstances, you find it difficult to thank God during prolonged periods of hardships. Beloved, God has a precise timing for your blessing, and it is always in line with what is best for you. His answer is divinely delayed - not because He doesn’t care. It is because God is orchestrating His absolute best outcome for you.

So, I urge you, every day take some time to spend with God and pour out thanks unto Him. Make this a practice, a way of life. Go into your secret place and commune with the Lord. Give Him anthems of praise and thankfulness. Everything may not be going exactly as you desire, but you can give Him thanks because He is yet good and worthy of your thanks. As you thank Him, be assured He is turning it around for your good.

Approach His throne with a grateful heart....

Father, I thank You for my life, Your salvation, my family. I am grateful for a job and your bountiful provisions. Father, thank You for my health. I am grateful for mercy and grace; I thank You for each season of life....I thank you for friends and the opportunities to share the gospel of Christ with people of all walks. I am grateful I can be a living walking Bible and demonstrate Your love in the earth.

May this song; "Give Thanks" by Deon Meon bless and touch you profoundly.

Have A Happy, Delicious and Lovely Thanksgivings!

Indulge yourself in my latest Book Release: Forgiveness ~ Road To Recovery and other Inspirational Reading For The Heart ~ Mind ~ Soul! - Books may be purchased using special sales by placing orders on the Author, Vernita’s Online BookStore:

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