This is Vernita, and God has a word for you today. You are highly favored and qualified. What’s more, your life has meaning and purpose. And like me, God has a divine plan and purpose for your life. Think not? Come, journey with me as I share with you how the Lord blessed me to go from welfare to book-fare.
A Promise To Myself
When I lost my job September in 2012, I had no idea I will become a published author and the Assistant Publisher and Interview Manager of Faith Filled Family Magazine. And I can tell you, despite your circumstances your dreams can come true too. Merely, look at me because my story is one of Beauty from Ashes. God has blessed me to transition from a single parent on welfare to an inspiring author.
Shortly after I discovered I was pregnant I was laid off. I sort diligently for another job, to no avail. So, with no means of income, I had no other option than to apply for welfare. However, I knew this was not going to stay a permanent way of life. Since I was a little girl I knew God had extraordinary plans for my life. Also, because I wasn’t married, I promised myself I wouldn’t have any more children. And I praise God that I kept my promise.
I'm not putting down anyone who is on welfare, and you have more than one child. I’m urging you to be on it temporary and use it to do something better with your life. I utilize welfare to my advantage and enrolled at Essex County College in Newark, New Jersey, where I studied hard and earned an AS Degree in Business Administration. On top of that, I gained employment on their work-study program. I became an Assistant Report Specialist within the Financial Aid Department. I even made Dean's List too.
I understand not quite everyone will go to college, but you owe yourself more than a high-school diploma. God has a magnificent plan and purpose for your life. So, since welfare will pay for you to go to school, take a trade. Beloved, acquire some skills. Everyone is good at something. What are your hopes, dreams, and aspirations? What is that one thing you are passionate about? What is that desire that drives you like nothing, ever has? When you discover what you desire to become pursue it relentlessly. Stop allowing those naysayers to dictate your future.
So, Beloved, no more excuses. And no more postponing, no more being complacent. Also, no more waiting for your circumstances to get better. Unquestionably, no more affixing blame and playing the victim. One more crucial point, stop making excuses. If you expect to experience God as more than enough in your life you must change your mindset. Allow nothing to deter you from moving on to a progressive life of victory. See yourself as God sees you and un-deterrent, rise up and be who God created you to be.
The Journey Begins
Sometimes after that, I graduated and became a Substitute Teacher, but I was only receiving assignments sparingly. And not long after that, the spirit of the Lord steers me to take a leap of faith and surrender being a receipt of welfare. I went down to the office and informed my case worker of my decision and she thought I was crazy. Even when I told my cousin she said; “Fool, what you go do that for?” Honestly, I thought they would be impressive of me. Moreover, I was a young single African-American woman getting off the system. I remember thinking; “Lord what's wrong with this picture?” But nevertheless, I have no regrets about my decision. And due to trusting in the Lord no matter what, guess what? Within no time, I became getting assignments every day. Eventually, I became a preferred Substitute Teacher at an elementary school in Newark, New Jersey.
You see, unbeknown to me a Teacher's Aid had been observing me. In a word, my teaching techniques and class management skills have not gone unnoticed. She informed the Secretary, and this led to being called every day. Additionally, I had signed up with other school districts. Eventually, this one particular school assigned me a long-term assignment. So, I was placed on their preferred Substitute Teachers list too.
But things rapidly change when I began to have problems with my paycheck. Although I went through proper protocol to settle this matter, it didn't improve. This incident continued for several years. Therefore, I wrote a letter to the Commissioner of Education. This was not acceptable with the then acting Superintendent of Schools and the woman in charge of Human Resources. I became their target.
The Abuse of Power
Suddenly, in the middle portion of 2003 school term, I saw the unethical and illegal length the enemy would utilize to scheme and plot to have my name removed from the Substitute Service list. This started once more during the early portion of 2003-2004 school term as well. By late February 2003, I began to encounter some serious problems in being called for assignments. I was being requested by Teachers and the Principal, which was allowed by the school district. During that time, I phoned the Sub Service, and the young lady confirmed she had been informed to remove my name from the list. But I was rarely receiving assignments.
By 2004, upon the urging of several Teachers and Para Professionals, I had begun to apply for the position of Para Professional. This continued from 2008-2012. Every time I did, I would be rejected. But many other Substitute Teachers were being hired. I was happy for them, but I knew this was someone's deliberate influence to prevent me from moving forward in my career.
This time I wrote another letter to the Commissioner of Education and identified who was behind such maltreatment. Though they placed my name back on the list, the anger and resentment from these two women grew in its intensity. And I continued having long-term assignments. They covered their wrongdoings to make it appear such a conspiracy never occurred. But it was a ticking time bomb waiting for another opportunity for payback.
Sometime in August 2012, during another orientation, the Secretary of the school I had worked for during that term, pulled me and another Substitute Teacher out and introduced us to the new Director of Special Education, who pushed to have us hired as Para-Professionals. So, on the following morning, I went to the office, and the Director placed my name on the list, and I was officially hired for the position. I needed only the formality of being approved. But, that never happens because not only had my name mysteriously was found missing from the list, but, I was never called again for that position.
Subsequently, matters went from bad to worse after only a few days after the school term had begun. And the Substitute Service that was formerly calling me for placements had ceased calling me for ANY assignments. I went from being on the Preferred Substitute Teacher List to receiving no jobs. This was not accidental; this was someone’s deliberate influence again.
God Turns Bad to Good
I faithfully served this school district for more than fifteen years then lost my job to abuse of power. Next, my unemployment benefits ran out after a year. I had job rejection after job rejection. So, I began putting the gift for writing which the Lord has blessed me with at the tender age of nine to good use. Reluctantly, I accepted an invitation from my dear friend, and mentor Pastor Gloria Green Beer. Soon, I began writing updates, sharing comments and connected with a few groups where I became a Top Contributor while meeting readers who recognized me as a Freelance Writer. I began composing articles online. Consequently, I started to touch and minister to many lives. I ventured out and wrote posts on LinkedIn, Community Christian Service Workers and became a Feature Writer for Faith Filled Family Magazine. And within two years I became the inspiring author of the series Capturing The Spirit Of God's Word with Vernita. And you can read more about this extraordinary journey in my book.
I have authored four books in the series within a year and presently is writing other books which will be published. Remarkably, Faith filled Family Magazine offered me a position as Assistant Publisher/Interview Manager. Though, it’s a volunteer position, I gladly accepted in exchange for advertising my books. But my job goes beyond overseeing assigning interviews. Its blessed me with the grand opportunity to interview several people of prominence. Among them are Cyrus Nowaresteh, Screenwriter, and Director of the film; Young Messiah. For the September 2016 issue, I spoke to Jason Gray. I had an interview with Marty and Vickie Burlsworth. They blessed me with a personal foreword after reading my critique of the movie, Greater, a major motion movie about their family. What’s more, there’s Jonathan Bock, Producer of Hillsong United. Now, for the upcoming October issue, I interviewed Jackie Patillo, the Executive Director of the Gospel Music Association. And many more.
I never imagine having such a position but guess what? God knew and I am humbled and overwhelmed that God took the darkest times of my life that which was intended to ruin me and brought something extraordinary from it. This is why I can say thank you to every job rejection, to those who mistreat me, to the head of Human Resources, and most of all to the extended season of the testing of my faith. I am incredibly blessed and highly favored by God.
And I'm here to tell you not to give up. God has blessed you with skills, talents, gifts, abilities, and knowledge. He placed greatness inside of you, so you can do what you thought you never could. Beloved, you are valuable, and your past is over. You are not defined by it, either. God created you to thrive. So, arise! Amaze the world! Always remember untapped potential is within you waiting to be unsealed. Therefore, never allow anyone tell you what you can't achieve. Beloved, you can do all things through Christ. "I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]" -(Philippians 4:13).
He did it for me and He can do it for you too. He'll take you further than you ever been. With God nothing is impossible. (Luke 1:37). Obey the Lord. Trust Him no matter what and leave the outcome in His hands. You are a precious treasure, His Masterpiece – one-of-a-Kind that’s worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox. Read my inspiring story in my first book, and God bless you as you read it. I pray it inspires, empowers, and refresh your soul. Enjoy the musical selection Nothing Is Impossible by Planetshakers.
How has this story inspired you to rise up and be more than you ever imagined you could be?
What do you need to do to move forward? Do you need help? CONTACT ME
God loves you and guess what? I do Too!
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