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Neat's Author ShowCase ~ Joyce Cannon Mincey

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

It is an honor and privilege to welcome to Neat’s Author Showcase, my dear friend and colleague, Sis. Joyce C. Mincey, the remarkable author of her Newly Released Book: “An Un-cracked Mind ~ 33 Years In Bondage”…

1).Now, you are a wife, mother, author and an anointed woman of God. Tell us, in addition to these many hats which you wear, who is Joyce Mincey? What was life like before you became an Author?

Hello, My name is Joyce Cannon Mincey, I live in Wrightsville, Ga. born and raised. I am happily married to the lovely Mr. Benjamin Mincey, two children Ashantis Cannon from a previous relationship and J’Mon Mincey, whom my husband and I adopted. I attend the Ranger Grove COGIC under the leadership of Superintendent Ira Edwards, Sr. located here in Wrightsville; faithfully, where I serve as Senior Choir President and assists with the Youth Choir, Church Reporter, Senior High Sunday School Teacher, and Sunshine Band Leader, loving it all. Now I am a newly grandmother. As the old familiar song goes by the Williams Brothers - “I’m just a nobody, trying to tell everybody about somebody who can save anybody.” My life as an Author has changed, somewhat. Now when people see me they ask me about my book versus never speaking to me at all.

2). In your book, you mentioned you lived a life of bondage for 33 years. What exactly were you in bondage to? How were you delivered?

The first thing I was in bondage with was I. Yes self can have you all out of order if you allow it to and I did which some things could have been avoided. The next thing I was bonded by was depression, anger, molestation, alcoholism, drugs, and prostitution. Deliverance came through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whom I serve wholeheartedly. If it had not been for him my life would still be in a mess.

3). You speak of being teased and bullied while in school. You said you wanted to hurt others just as much as you were hurt. Society is plagued by bullying. And with advanced technology, what advice do you give to someone who is being bullied? How will your book help others deal with being teased and bullied?

If you are being bullied please tell someone right away. There are different types /levels of a bully. 1. The soft bully- this type person is harmless they do it to seek attention. 2. The mean bully- they call you names but don’t lay a hand on you. They too are harmless if you don’t retaliate. 3. The actual bully- this person's seeks to harm, hurt and kill. This bully is dangerous. It does not matter what category they fall in, tell someone. If you read my book as I entered in high school I was being bullied and it felt awful. What goes around comes around. A bully is acting out because something at home is going wrong. They find weak preys because they feel power in which they don’t have at home. Jesus said love and kindness have I drawn thee so any act of kindness is a true breaker of meanness. My book prayerfully will help those that are being bullied to not wait to tell and those that are doing the bullying to stop.

4). You make the following statement on page 12 of your book; “It’s already bad, so I’ll just make it worse.” Why is it all-important not to retain such a mindset? How can someone be delivered and set free from thinking like this? Lord I was straight out of my mind when I had this thinking capacity.

I allowed my circumstance to overpower my mind. My self-esteem was low like everybody hated me and I really needed to give them something to keep my name in their mouths. This was very naive on my part. No matter what your situation or circumstance is the sun is brighter on the other side. You have to allow your soul to heal and be delivered. Think positive of yourself and your situation. Every negative situation has a positive outcome.

5). You open up very candidly about some issues you faced with anger which led you to fighting in school. And anger is something that is most definitely out of control within this world. What will we learn from your book in regards to overcoming anger?

Start on page 128 and read my poem “Revenge on Anger!” We must flip the script or we all will be walking around angry. Scream, yell, and shout, jump, kick, laugh, and sing, whatever you have to do- do it before hurting another individual or yourself. Write down what you will accomplish by being angry and see if it matches mine on page 128. I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING!

6). Also, you open up about your lifestyle in homosexuality. Now, many who are in such a lifestyle claim that they were born this way and they had no choice in what they have become. Joyce; is it a choice or is a person born in such a lifestyle? What proof can you give us that God can deliver anyone from a homosexual lifestyle?

It is definitely a choice, lust, desire or preference. There is no such thing as born to be attracted to the same sex! God created Adam and Eve, not Steve and Steve nor Eve and Susie! He said male and female. What led me to the same sex; I was tired of being hurt by men. I couldn’t trust my dad; he molested me. I came up in bad relationships where men got what they wanted and didn’t return to me. After my daughter’s father hurt and betrayal, I had enough.

When I entered a lesbian relationship I felt this is where I felt I belong. The same thing was going on in the relationship as with men. I couldn’t take it anymore and I begged God to deliver me from this 10 year relationship. I walked away and have not looked back. I am happily married for 12 years and looking for 12 more. God had compassion on Sodom and Gomorrah before he destroyed the cities. He asked Abraham to find from 50 down to 10 and he will spare them. Well, there are righteous folks all over the world and if anybody that is living a gay/lesbian relationship and want out, then stop what you are doing ,right now and ask God to deliver you by calling on the name of Jesus until something on the inside changes. You must want change, be willing to walk away and don’t look back! Praise God!!!

7) There are several what I prefer to as “spiritual nuggets” within your book; such as: “You have to learn not to allow your circumstances to define you”. And “No matter what people are doing wrong…they need to hear the good that they have done and can still do.” WOW! That’s awesome! Tell us, the significant of such insights?

Allowing molestation to follow you throughout life is a no-no. Allowing homosexuality to follow me throughout life is definitely a no-no. Allowing drug addiction to follow me throughout life is a no-no. This is what I mean by allowing your circumstances to define you. I am more than a conqueror. So what if I’ve been molested? But I am still going on in Jesus name because I know in the midst of my struggles there is a better opportunity for me somewhere. You define yourself as either victorious or a nobody. Walk with your head up and not down. This lets the enemy know he still lost a precious jewel. A person knows whether he/she is doing wrong, nobody has to beat them upside their head. Show them what they can do right and the rest will flow. Change will come. Work with them and help them to discover their talents.

8).Are you available to speak at events, Book Clubs, Book Signings, etc.? How can you be contacted? Where can someone purchase your book?

I am able to speak only at public events, Book Clubs, Book Signings, etc. at this moment. Who knows what the direction of the Lord has for me in the future.

I can be contacted at;

or .

My book “An UnCracked Mind- 33 Years In Bondage” can be purchased on: Createspace:,


I am also on Kindle as well for all you e-readers. Look for my book coming to local Libraries and surrounding stores. I will keep the public updated through my Facebook page. Be Blessed.

Thank you, Sis Joyce C. Mincey for taking time from your busy schedule to be interviewed on my Author ShowCase. And I urge everyone to purchase; “An Uncracked Mind ~ 33 years in Bondage” because it will awaken your mind to the fact that no matter what circumstances are holding you captive, God can deliver you and set you free. All is requiring is for to accept responsibility and accountability for your actions and ask for help. This book is a guiding force to aide you in accomplishing this.


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