Today, I am honored to welcome to “Neat’s Author ShowCase, my friend and colleague, an amazing Certified Teacher and Owner of I.M. Success Tutoring, Michael Gibben. He is the Author of “Toys are not the Enemy” And after reading this heartwarming book, you will discover how toys, are in fact, an asset and valuable fun tools to apply in completing homework and improving your child/children academic abilities.
Now, you have been an educator for over a decade, coaching thousands of parents to create success in both a child’s confidence and their academics. But, tell us, who is Michael Gibben? What was life like before you became a mentor-tutor?
Thank you, kindly Vernita. I grew up in Manitoba, Canada. Growing up, I was bullied a lot. My self-esteem was gone. My grades slipped and I became a “D” student who was ready to drop out of school. In Grade 11, a couple of amazing teachers entered my life. They taught me to not lose sight of my potential despite circumstance. This, in turn, allowed confidence and academics to grow.
It is a fundamental part of my teaching philosophy to pay-forward what my teachers taught me and to help children to strive and achieve all they can even in the face of adversity.
2. What events lead up to you becoming a Teacher? Tell us more about I.M. Success Tutoring and what gave you the idea to begin such a business?
The drive to become a teacher came from the desire to pay forward what my teachers had taught me and to help children to be the best they could be in both confidence and academics.
I.M. Success Tutoring was conceived in June 2011. We are a customized in-home mentor-tutoring company that provides children with customized learning opportunities akin to each child’s interests and learning styles as well as a mentorship piece to build self-esteem.
3. Your title is very cool. Is this your first published book? What inspired you to come up with such a title; “Toys are not the enemy”?
Thank you, Vernita. This is my first published book. The title came from growing up in a world where learning and play were two separate entities. Oftentimes, parents would comment on how, with I.M. Success Tutoring, learning had become fun for their children. It is my desire to provide parents of elementary school children the opportunity to not dissuade toys but to integrate them into the learning process.
4. Why would you use toys during homework? Why not just apply some manipulative, which are usually used in school? Aren’t toys a Big distraction during homework?
Studies show that children often gain key motivational and problem solving skills through play-based learning. Children also view their toys as a source of security when learning new concepts in lieu of a source of distraction. Using your child’s favorite toys provides a link to their interest. For example, if a child loves Star Wars and struggles with math, they will be more inclined to learn if the question is 6 lightsabers plus 3 lightsabers and involves use of toothpick lightsabers versus nine manipulative blocks.
5. Why do you think it’s sometimes difficult for parents to get their children to complete their homework? Why it does oftentimes, turns into a battle of wills?
Homework can often be an intimidating process if a child does not understand a given concept. The fight or flight response often kicks in for children who are faced with unfamiliar or unknown concepts. This response can create a two-way street of misunderstanding and frustration for both children and parents.
6. You present a four- step process of integrating play into learning. And in my humble opinion, each technique is amazing. Without revealing much of your book’s content, can you give us a brief synopsis of each stage?
Absolutely Vernita. The four step process is as follows:
Developing your child’s toys as a source of security rather than distraction.
Developing a point of connection around your child’s toy(s).
Creation of a learning advantage by use of your child’s toy(s).
Use of your child’s toy(s) as a catalyst to their learning.
7. I like the way you use toys such as Legos, Elsa of Frozen and Spiderman, to name a few, to engage the children and create a delightful atmosphere of learning and fun. But, tell us how successful has your method been in improving a child’s academic performance? Can you give us a brief “Success Story”?
Absolutely. Children who use their toys in their learning have eased into learning and have increased motivation to learn new concepts.
We currently have a young man (we will call him Jack) who had difficulties in spelling and loves to build with Lego blocks. He is a visual and tactile learner and previously he prepared for spelling tests through reciting the words. While a good strategy for some children, he struggled with this method. Most of his test scores were around 40%-50%. We took out his Lego blocks and taped a different letter or word ending to each block. By snapping each block together he was seeing how the letters formed to make a word while at the same time using his sense of touch to build and learn. This method was engaging, fun, and re-inforced his understanding akin to his learning style. Jack’s next test was a 70% and he scored between 75%-80% on subsequent tests. More importantly, he felt comfortable and confident in his learning.
8. If a parent desires to have you Tutor their child, how can they contact you? What are your social media contacts? How can they purchase your book?
Thank you Vernita. They can contact us at the following:
Telephone: 416-803-9043
E-Mail: imsuccesstutoring@gmail.com
Website: www.imsuccesstutoring.com
Our social media links are as follows:
Instagram: http://www.instgram.com/imsuccesstutoring/
LinkedIn: http://ca.linkedin.com/michael-gibben-28a6a346
Twitter: http://twitter.com/IMSuccessTutor
"Toys are not the Enemy” can be purchased on the I.M. Success Tutoring store
Thank you, Michael Gibben for being our featured guest. As a former Substitute Teacher who loves to use Acting/Singing Techniques to engage children in their learning progress, I highly recommend this heartwarming book and the remarkable services of I.M. Success Tutoring. It’ will help your child focus and achieve optimal learning for your child. And Guess What?...It' very affordable and worth the investment. You’re going to love the activities.