Each of us has the ability to effect positive change within the world. For some, this can be difficult because they have been espoused to a world of negativity for so long, to them it’s normal. However, no one is beyond Hope and can do better. They just have to want it bad enough. Perhaps, you are the person who can be that beacon of light to bring about transformation.
With this in mind, be compassionate and be prepared because....
5. Insatiable Appetite to Argue
Now, this is their area of expertise. If all is going well, they’ll ignite an argument for no apparent reason. No way will they allow the positive to dwell in their midst for an extended period of time. It brings them much pleasure to crush someone’s spirit. They tend to nick-pick until it erupts into a full blown out argument. Being in their presence can be deferential to your health. And the only means to wear you down is through arguing and intimidation to get you to give up.
You see – you’re total the opposite. You seek to defuse tension and arguments. You realize the problem can be solved without arguing. Another wonderful trait you possess is being able to show through example how to agree to disagree with grace and style. And this is exactly what they need. Thus, you are the epitome of endurance and can teach them to stand for what you believe without being dissuaded. And be wise enough to know when to speak and when to walk away.
6. Never Forgive
They’re not the forgiving type. In their eyes, “you started it!” You are contentious, you bring strife and conflict, you were wrong and to top it off; you owe them an apology. After all, why should they go out their way to ratify the situation? Furthermore, they’ll hold the wrong they perceive you having done against them, for years. This will be utilized to vent to anyone foolish enough to listen.
You know the art of forgiveness. And will show how forgiveness will help lead to the road of recovery. You will even aide them in dealing with their shattered emotions. With grace and mercy, you may be the one who can teach them how negative behavior has damaged the lives others. But through forgiveness, it can be a great means of release and freedom.
7. Love To Gossip
Now, keeping the confidence of others doesn’t exist with them. The trust of others will definitely be betrayed. These are they who are experts at being pretentious. They act as though they have your best interest at heart. During your happiest moments, they will use it as an opportunity and twist it into something ugly. And the usage of social media is their greatest avenue in an attempt to ruin your reputation.
Since you are aware of the damage gossip does in relationships, society and within a community, you’re a fine example to terminate gossip. It is never the intents of gossip to bring peace and unity. Thus, you shun it by refusing to participate in its origin He who goes about as a gossip reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a gossip [who talks freely or flatters]. (Proverbs 20:19). Therefore, anytime they comfort you with gossip, they’re in for a shock. You will warn gossipers how unequivocally; such wrong actions create a serious problem within relationships. Among the many traits of gossip, it causes harm, embarrassment and alienation. Because you know how to obtain a clear understanding and true motives of such a situation, they’re less likely to approach you with gossip.
In conclusion, life does give us opportunities to learn from others, whether by observation or spending time with others. As we observe their behavior, we become familiar with their customs. We learn their temperament and their overall attitude. Basically, the world is split into two types of personalities. There are those who are positive and those who are negative. But, by being a beacon of light for those who are pessimist and negative, perhaps, they can come to the realization how their lifestyle inhibits and hampers them from living a productive life. God bless you, Beloved, as you be a beacon of light for others to see.
Thank you kindly for following this series. What lessons did you learn? How will you apply such in your relationships with those who are negative? You can make a difference!
Always remember, God loves you and thinks the world of you!
Remember to leave your encouraging comment.