Greetings Beloved:
Here is an excerpt from the fourth book in the series: Capturing The Spirit Of God's Word with Vernita:
Inspirational Readings For The Heart ~ Mind ~ Soul!
To be published this summer. I would appreciate Your Review. Just Leave a comment below.
Life is a precious and priceless gift from God. Most assuredly, one great asset this brings us is the wonderful opportunity to build healthy and harmonious relationships. However, this also means, in time, you may suffer harm by the hands of someone you love. And when such occurrences happens, the best solution to being healed, restored and victorious lies in your willingness to forgive. Certainly, un-forgiveness will have grave repercussions such as feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness, anger, depression, to name a few.
Now, the results of holding on to the pain, hurt and wounds afflicted upon you, keeps you going around the “revolving door” of despair. Certainly, you can see clearly now how pertinent it is to forgive and move forward.
Personally, when I enter an establishment which has a revolving door, I love using it as a means of exit. And I must admit, the thrill to continue pushing and going around and around is quite tempting. But, no matter how many times you go around it, there comes a time to exit the door. If you don’t eventually, you will get sick. It’ll make you dizzy and unable to focus. It’ll cause you to lose your balance resulting in being difficult to stand steady and assured.
In essence, continuously rotating around the revolving door of despair, while, refusing to depart fills your life with poisonous venom by attaching itself to your mind. This in term affects your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and spiritual well-being. It removes your freedom to be who God created you to be. It’s a reoccurring memory which hold you captive and steals your life of tranquility and joy.
All be it, this doesn’t mean you have to be friends with the person who has hurt you. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with distancing yourself from such people. In a word, it’s best to realize when such a relationship is unhealthy and move on. In some instances, when a person becomes a liability rather than an asset, it’s time to part ways.
Beloved, the pool is being stirred and if you step in, you can be healed by choosing to forgive and seek help. Empty your heart which has been bruised and surrender it into the healing hands of God. By faith, not looking in the natural, step out and go from painful times to joyful times. Highly favored of God, prepare to turn your pain into praise. Watch God take those male treatments and create a miracle. Watch the Lord use every insult which pierced your heart, every betrayal that ripped you asunder, every lie that damaged your reputation, every attack of your mind, and every intent to kill, steal and destroy you and turn to a reversal. And what the enemy means to destroy you will turn out to be beyond what you imagined. (John 10:10; Romans 8:28)
Undoubtedly, your crisis will change you into a Champion and a defender for the hopeless, broken and scorn. Beloved – Get ready to witness God move mighty in your life. God loves you and guess what?.....I Do Too!
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