Greetings Beloved:
You are greatly needed to leave your mark upon the world. Someone desperately need to hear the truth spoken in love for humanity. We are the POP ~ People of Principle who can make a BIG difference just by choosing right over wrong ~ good over bad and righteousness over evil. Here are principles 4-6. May you be rejuvenated.
4. When you allow your child to go out and spend time with their friends, you need to prepare them so that they will not be manipulated. Their friends may try to entice them to go to an X-rated movie, indulge in drinking alcohol at a club, entice them to smoke, etc. Your child need to know more than just saying “NO!” Teach your child how to avoid being manipulated and influenced to doing contrary to the values you have taught your children. Teach them, through your example how to live a Godly life in a godless society. Teach your son or daughter how to be discrete and to use sound judgment. Proverbs 2:11 states; Discretion will preserve you and understanding will keep you. The word of God will protect your son or daughter from being easily influenced and enable them to make wise Godly choices.
5. When you know someone is doing something wrong or making a wrong decision will you be the POP or will you rationalize by saying it’s not your business to say anything? For example, you know a saint is marrying someone who isn’t a Christian. Do you justify it by mis - interpreting I Cor. 7: (it's better to marry than to burn). Am I my brother keeper? Yes! And, it’s important that you inform them gently and discreetly that the scripture instructs us not to be unequally yoked. Now, you can rationalize all you want and convince yourself of a lie by saying; they will change after we get married. NOT likely. They’ll tell you, “You knew I was like this when I married you. Beloved, if you don’t learn patience and how to wait on the Lord, you will learn what it means to suffer unnecessarily.
6. Abortion. Society tells us that women have the right to do what they want with their body. It’s Pro Life and Pro Choice. When a woman chooses to have an abortion, it’s not her body she’s mutilating, it’s the baby’s body. She’s not being chopped up in tiny pieces. She’s not having her brains sucked out. And in a large number of cases, a woman has an abortion because either she or the man doesn’t want the responsibility of raising a baby. Please research and read the horrible procedure of partial birth abortion.
Saints of God, it’s is time that we make a difference because we are the light of the world—We, the POP need to come out of the closet and proclaim Jesus reign! We need to come out of the closet and do as Rom. 13:3 declares: Do what is good, and you will have praise of the same. When you stand for righteousness someone will take notice and people will be delivered and set free.
We must be devoted to living by a code of ethics which brings God glory—honor and praise!
And always remember that Jesus loves you and guess what?.....I do too!
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