But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine. Titus 2:1; 7-8
We are living in the dispensation of time where all too often people are calling wrong right and right wrong. Far too many people are not accountable nor responsible for their actions. They found it easier to affix blame, point the finger at someone other than themselves, and sit in judgment of others while they themselves practice the same behavior.
Therefore, you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things (Rom. 2:1 NJKV).
We live in a time where lying is an acceptable way of life. And telling the truth condemns one to the forces of opposition, insults and annihilation. Therefore, your reputation can be utterly destroyed for being a person of integrity. But, we know that the Lord restores and delivers us from all evil acts or intentions.
How does the Body of Christ function in such times as these?
What does the Lord require or expect from the saints of God when face with such choices?
The Lord Most High expects us to walk by faith and not sight and to be a living walking Bible. It is your saintly duty to let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matt. 5:16 NKJV).
The Lord expects us to be the POP—the 'People of Principle.'
Principle: general or fundamental law. (2) Rule or code of conduct or devotion to such a code.
Let’s see what the word of God commands of you, my brothers and sisters, as it pertains to allowing our light to shine for Jesus. What are the things to speak which are proper for sound doctrine? In Titus 2:2-8, we discover what they are.
Doctrine: teachings of Christ—the gospel (Matt. 7:28). I Tim. 1:3 tell us to teach no other doctrine.
Teaching or instructions particularly those of Jesus Christ or the Apostles concerning God’s will (Job 11:4 states; my doctrine is pure. ( John 7:16, Heb. 6:2). Some characteristic of the practice of sound doctrine.
Sober –calm, temperate, sound mind
Reverent - respect or honor
Sound in faith-not easily shaken or moved by adversity or public opinion
Not to be a slander—stop using your tongue for gossiping and backbiting. Ask the
Lord to tame your tongue and use it for edification and lifting up the name of Jesus.
Discrete-good judgment—sound mind
Chaste-clean, pure, consecrate your life to God.
If you are the POP, these are the actions/behavior or code of conduct you will not practice. Here are 1-3.
1. When the debt collectors call you at home, you refuse to answer the phone or you tell your spouse or child to answer and lie for you. “Tell them I’m not in.”—you’re teaching your child to lie. I know there are those parents who teach their children to do as they say not as I do. Obviously, you know what you’re doing is wrong. And - Most children do as you do not as you say. You, father or mother is not being the spiritual leader for your family. And it’s wrong to put your spouse in that situation. Just because their married to you doesn’t obligate either spouse to lie for their husband or wife. Some one in the marriage has to be mature and choose to do the right thing. Lying, affixing blame and going tic for tac destroys a marriage. You need to learn how to manage your money—pay your tithes and offerings, pay your bills on time, attempt to work out a settlement plan, do all you can not to live off your credit cards, refuse to overly indulge with your spending and you’ll stay out of debt.
2. You work on a job which requires you to answer the phone and your boss demands you to lie and tell certain people he or she is not in. You fear that you’ll lose your job if you refuse to lie. Thus, you began to justify lying. The Lord knows I have to work to take care of my family. The scripture informs us that to him who know to do good and doesn't, it is sin. When you lie—you sin. And you’re walking by sight and not faith. You need to learn your rights and learn the law. It’s illegal to fire you because you want lie for your boss—that’s not your job description. So, trust God and inform your boss up front you can’t lie for him or her—Perhaps, you can say; It would behoove you to leave my presence away from my presence. I don't care where you're going, but, please leave. Truly, there is no justification for lying for your boss.
3. You’re driving down the highway and someone cut you off. You have a few options. Do I use profanity or give them the finger? Do I begin a road rage? Do I remain calm, be temperate and of a sound mind and began to thank God for the peace of God which transcends all understanding? Undoubtedly, cutting you off was wrong. However, refuse to allow that person to cause you to react in a negative manner.
Child of God, it's time to be a 'Living walking Bible'. Honestly, you may be the only Bible that some may see that can bring them into an encounter with God. It’s time that we make a difference because we are the light of the world—We, the POP need to come out of the closet and proclaim Jesus reign!
Come back May 21, 2016 at 8:00 AM for Part II and tune in on Mother's Day for My Special Letter to Mothers.
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