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COME...... Encounter God

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me, as a vital necessity, and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13 AMP)

All across the world, people thirst for an encounter with someone who will change their life for the better. There’s a restless, despairing cry going out in the earth of those in desperate need to be rescued from the mayhem and chaos in their life. Some seek aide from psychologists, other turns to the gangs, while many go to the worship of idols. No matter the source, there is an unfilled hunger that leaves their soul unsatisfied.

Hence, the purpose of my conducting Praise and Worship Conferences was a deep desire for all to have a God experience. Each year, people gathered throughout the region to be taught, equipped and charged that worship is a lifestyle which need to permeate every aspect of their life while bringing the nation into an awesome encounter with God. I have witnessed lives transformed, many being inspired and empowered to present themselves as a living sacrifice unto the Lord.

For most, such an encounter comes in the time of their greatest need ~ moments of desperation, feelings of hopelessness and loneliness ~ weak and vulnerable ~ an outcast trying to escape from being rejected or abandoned, fear, and betrayals. God beacons you to come unto Him for only He can:

  • Heal the wounded

  • rescue those who are lost and wandering in the wilderness

  • Restore what has been shattered

  • Restore what’s been taken

You see, Jesus saves, performing a transformation in the lives of any who are in desperate need of a new direction for their life. With this in mind, let us journey through the Bible and see how five ordinary people with ordinary problems experience a divine encounter with God and was never the same and neither will you. All is needed is your willingness to relinquish your life into the hands of God while realizing your need of a Savior who can heal your soul and surrender your heart to God. Casting the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for He cares about you affectionately and watchfully. (I Peter 5:7 AMP). It was never the Lord’s intentions for you to carry the weight of your burdens. Come…….. emerge yourself in the river of life and encounter God.

Abram ~ For one thing, you have to yield and trust the Lord although what He instructs you to do makes no sense to your finite mind. For example, Abram was seventy-five and God instructed him to leave his homeland to go to an unknown land. Then, at the age of ninety nine, the Lord appears and made a covenant with him, declaring to bless him exceedingly. God changed his name to Abraham, making him the father of many nations declaring to bless those who bless Abraham. (Gen. 12:1-5; 17:1-7).

Jacob ~ Moreover, you may have to wrestle and give up control of your life that’s spinning out of control, however; your life will change for the better. Jacob deceived his father and stole his elder brother’s birthright. Nevertheless, he wrestled with a man all night and refused to let him go until He received his blessing. God changed his name to Israel, a Prince of God. (Gen. 27:1-35; 32: 24-28). And he performed great exploits thru the power of God.

Moses ~ Perhaps, it’s time to come to turns with the sins of your past and receive the gift of GOD’S forgiving grace. Moses was a farmer raising cattle on his father in law's farm, running from his past. God choose him to deliver his people from under the harsh afflictions of Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Through Moses, the Lord overthrow the mighty government of Pharaoh, set his people free and ushered them into a land of promise and prosperity. (Exodus 3:2-10 – Note Exodus 2:11-4:31).

Mary, Mother of Jesus ~ You may have to come out of your comfort zone and do something you never thought you could. As an illustration, let’s use Mary. You see, God ordained His divine favor upon her life and she was never the same. The Angel Gabriel appeared with a message that changed the course of her life forever. Instantly, Mary went from a humble servant girl to being sealed as highly favored of God, a chosen vessel whom the Holy Spirit overshadowed, and she brought forth Jesus, the Son of God; who gave us the greatest gift we could ever receive, the precious gift of Salvation. (Luke 1:26-38).

The Two Men on the Emmaus Road ~ In this particular case, they communed of the events which had taken place regarding the crucifixion of Jesus. Suddenly, a stranger appears and began expounding the scriptures. As they sit and break bread, their eyes are opened, revealing Jesus. As a result, they realized they had been in the presence of God. Their hearts was deeply touched and their spirit stirred within. Therefore, this divine encounter immediately ignites an urgency in them to proclaim to the disciples and all with them, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Luke 24:13-32).

Saul of Tarsus ~ All things considered, you may have to give up a life of self-destruction, pride and arrogance, however; an encounter with God will transform you into an amazing servant of God. Saul went form persecuting Christians to becoming one of the great defender of the gospel of Christ, writing over one third of the Bible. God changed his name from Saul, persecutor to Paul, the greatest Apostle in Christian history.

An encounter with God will result in a life changing event, altering the world and transiting your life into a Progressive Life of Victory. Such an experience will draw you closer to God while refreshing your soul. Truly, you shall never be the same. God love you and guess what?.........So do me!

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