We are Blesssed to be a blessing! And I welcome my frieind and collegue John Rataczak, to my Author ShowCase today. He is a passionate and incredible writer whose books will enlighten you on the precious gift of salvation and reveal to you, Jesus.
John Rataczak was born in Columbia, Missouri and raised in the St. Louis area. He was saved at an early age through the ministry of the Chatham Bible Church of Wellston, Missouri (now located in Hazelwood, Missouri).
His father was a chemical engineer and his mother was a housewife. Both were saved during John’s early childhood years. Certainly the truth of Acts 16:31 applies in this case: in a short time all the members of the family received Christ as Savior! Both Ed and Mary (his parents) are now with the Lord.
God led John to become involved in full time Christian work during his freshman year at Bob Jones University. Since that calling, he has earned a B.A. in Bible, an M.A. in Pastoral Studies, and a Ph.D. in New Testament Text (Greek).
His teaching experience includes teaching Greek, Hebrew, Theology, Apologetics, Church History, English Bible, and various Biblical Backgrounds courses in three Christian colleges and two graduate schools. In addition, he served as a soccer coach in two ministries.
His pastoral experience includes ministries in Pennsylvania and Ohio. He has filled the pulpit of many Bible-believing churches in a number of states as well and plans to initiate a Bible Conference ministry as God supplies the opportunity.
Presently he is the founder and sole proprietor of Eleutheros Books.
He is the father of two sons and resides in Ohio.
Why am I writing now?
About 5 years ago John was not in the ministry but still wanted to serve the Lord; so he prayed and asked God what He wanted him to do.
God's response: How long have you wanted to write?
John's response: At least 25 years.
It was clear before long that this was His will for John!
The Ramifications of Our Salvation explains what happens Biblically when a believer is saved by God's grace. It is written in 35 short, readable chapters and it is suitable for small group Bible studies, Sunday School classes, discipleship training, and personal devotions. It's like Our Daily Bread on steroids!
A Portrait of Jesus is written in 5 sections Jesus before Time existed; Jesus in Old Testament times; what Jesus did on this earth; what Jesus is doing now; and what Jesus will do in the final state. 37 short chapters, over 1,600 Biblical references; suitable for personal devotions or Bible study groups.
Spiritual Gifts Verse by Verse: A Commentary on I Corinthians 12-14. So many commentaries tell you what you already know but then "wimp out" when you want more information on a verse or phrase, but this book deals with every phrase in these chapters on this often discussed matter of spiritual gifts. It is helpful for those who want to know what the Scriptures say rather than denominational leaders.
I highy recommend these books for Bibe Study or any Group Session/Book Club or if you need to draw closer to God. Connect with John for further information on any of the social media sites listed below. Please visit his BOOK STORE! John, God bless the work of your hands as you continue to share the good news of the gospel in your writings.

Websites and social media
www.eleutherosbookstore.com (book store)
www.christiancontactwithjohn.com (blog)
Skype: john.rataczak
twitter: johnrataczak
LinkedIn: johnrataczak
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