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Influencing Negative People

Vernita S

Life gives us opportunities to learn from others. As we observe, watch and spend time either with or around people, eventually; we learn their behavior, tempermeant and overall attitude. Whether we like it or not, we are all different. We wre raised differently and come from varioius cultures and environments. Hence, developing relationships affods us the means thru which to influence others and make a profound impact for the better in the lives of people of all walks.

Now - Everyone desire to be happy and live a good life. Beloved, this is not so in life. Many are hurting and angry because somewhere along the way, their life was altered. Something happened which changed the person God created them to be. More than likely, it was the environment in which they were raised. It could had been a horrible event that forever changed their their heart. Nonetheless, we are created in the image of God. He didn't make us to be negative, hateful and difficult to be around.

Here are seven ways in which those who are positive can influence others who are negative and perphaps; aide them to see how their negative attiutde hampers them from living a productive life.

Affix Blame - Everyone desires a life filled with happiness. however, there are those who are very unhappy and aren't known for accepting reponsibility for their actions or occurences in their life. Additionally; affixing blame comes quit natural to them - It's always someones' else's fault as to circumstances surrounding them. In their eyes; they're always right and never wrong.

Maybe, they are in need of someone like you to show them how to be acccountable for their actions and sensitive to what are known as shortcomings in others. Your example of patience but not toleant of inability to embrace change can open their eyes.

Chronic Complainers - Another trait of being negative is their constant drive to complain about whatever they feel is causing them to have a "bad day". Add to this, if situations doesn't turn in their favour, in thier mind, life has dealt them a bad hand. Life isn't fair. They have convinved themselves the world owe them something. What it is; I have no idea! It could be their job, the weather, family, friends, their health, etc; They will create a reason to be miserable.

Granted, being around such a person can drain you emotionally but; when you exemplify thankfulness and an attitude of gratitude, you set the tone to change the atmosphere. Although, they may not respond instantly, when they see you get up when life knocks you down, you have planted a good seed. They'll learn from you how to persevere and find a route to achieve their goals and dreams. Thus, your tenacity and enthusiastic attitude can be a great benefit to such an individual.

Believe the worst case sacrenio - In their eyes, life is full of doom, darkness, saddness, failures and misery. Any report they recieve of their health, circumstances, life in general, they automatically choose to believe the negative. In actuality, they want the worst to occur. If at all possible, it will be used to their advantage or, so they hope.

Your lively attitude of faith in God can be a tremendous asset to such an individual. You can prove to them thru your own experiences that life includes disappointments, set-backs and adveristies. By encouraging them not to be governed by their circumstancs but be moved by the promises of God, their understandings can be enlighten. Henceforth, use this as an opportunity to reveal that, in time; God can either change their situation for the better, move them to another place or position or give them the strength and faith to endure graciously. The choice is theirs!

Speak Negative - Undoubtely, they dwell on the negative aspect of life. Therefore; their vocabulary is filled with negativity, doubt and gloom. Consistently, you'll hear phrases such as; "I can't" and those absoulte words such as; "You always" or "I never". Furthermore, they're are known to view wrong as right and right as wrong. Most assurdely; turns the truth into a lie. Allbeit; will take what is beautiful and pure and make it appear as dark and ugly. Without doubt, believe their word is law. In other words, it's their way or no way. Very influential in manipulating minds of those most closest to their heart. They convince such innocent ones they 're offended by their actions and are the victim of wrong doings. Cleverly prey on those with a low self-esteem. Always pointing out what they consider negative attributes in others.

Despite their negativity, your positive and faith filled converations can one day help them see the light. You see - As they hear you give praise and encouragement, edifying and inspiring people of all walks; you are teaching them that life isn't all bad - that there is good people in this world and they have goodness buried deep within them, too. Actually, you guide them to see the situation from another perspective and how to look for the good in the worst times.

Love to Argue - Unfourantely, if all is going well; they'll ignite an argunment. They tend to nick pick until it erupts into a full blown out argunment. Arguing is used as means to get you to give up or a form of imtimidation. No way will these allow positive to dwell for any length of time. It brings much pleasure to crush others spirits.

Being in their presence can be determental to your health. Thus, the best means to dissolve arguing is by being the "Bigger Person" and not argue your point while seeking a way to defuse the argunment. You realize problems can be solved without arguing thru politely agreeing to disagree. By all means, stand firm in what you know is right and righteousness withut being dissuaded. Because you are wise enough to know when to speak and when to remain silent and when to walk away. Your silence will eventially silence them as nobody loves to argue with themselves.

Never Forgive - Some people are not the forgiving type. Clearly, in their mind; you started it - you were wrong and owe them an apology. They rarionalize within themselves as to why should they go out their way to ratify the situation. As a matter of fact, this person uses any avenue to spread vicious rumours. Social media is the greatest means to ruin the reputation of who they view as their enemy. Wreckage souls as these, harbour anger, bitterness and resentment for years and will use as an avenue to vent to anyone foolish enough to listen.

Beloved, you know the art of forgiveness and is the evidence they desperately need to see to lead them onto the road of forgiveness and recovery. You see, they need to be informed how to deal with their shattered emotions and come to terms with how their actions has caused pain to others. You can be the one who can help them move beyond making excuses and blaming others which prevents them from being happy. Overall, you are equipped to help them recognize they don't have to be this way and the importance of being empathic.

Love To Gossip - Now, keepimg one's confidence doesn't exist with them. Most definitely, they will betray your trust. Moreover, this person is preteious and will act as though they care and have your best interest at heart. As you share your most happiest moments, possible due to being jealous and envious, somehow, they will focus the attention on them.

Since you're aware of the damage gossip does in families, communities and society, gently; you can teach this hurting soul how to terminate gossip. It is never the intents of gossp to bring peace, tranquility or unity. This is a good time to forewarn them of the affects of gossip which among many traits, it causes harm, embarrassment and alienation. They need to know unequviocally, that such wreckless actions are wrong and unproductive. Thus, you will shun it by not participating in its origin. Immediately; inform them that you need to get a clear understanding and motives of such behavior, they're less likely to approach you with gossip.

We all have choices to make and in the grand scheme of things, we are what we think we are. No, we have no say so over our ethnicity or the manner in how we were raised. Nevertheless, you can change the course of your own life by choosing to reject those negative behaviors and thoughts. You can choose to think better of yourself and do better. Feed yourself hope. Look over your history with God and know if He did it once He can do it again. Learn to relax and enjoy life because it is a precious gift. Talk a walk, change your atmosphere.

We must be compassionate and spend only the neecessary time around negagivity and more around likeminded people whose constantly speaking and living in faith, enthusiasm and honoring God. God Bless you!

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