May the Lord be loyal to you in return and reward you with his unfailing love! And I, too, will reward you for what you have done. -2 Samuel 2:6
Dearest Beloved,
Thank you to anyone who has read any of my books. This book campaign is to help bring awareness of these inspirational readings to the heart, mind, and soul. So, my passion is for the underprivileged, the unloved, and the outcast. Likewise, those with low self-worth; empower and help bring out the purpose already in them. And encourage them to live phenomenal lives and be victorious through every season. God’s Words are My Voice in writing to spread faith, hope, and love to anyone who needs a place to unburden the cares of life. You are priceless. You shall discover you can accomplish what you thought you never could. Greatness will emerge when you see yourself as God sees you. He has an unbelievable plan and purpose for your life.
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Thank you kindly for your support. May the Lord show you kindness as you have me. (Ruth 1:8, AMP)
I pray the Musical Selection: Top Of My Lungs by Phillips, Craig, and Dean inspire you.