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Stop Hindering Yourself

Today makes the second day of the eighth month of the year, August. Now, the number 8 signifies a new Beginning. So, arise and do what you thought you never could. Do what your parents never did. Do what the naysayers have told you you'll never become. The only person hindering you is yourself. You're asking; 'How am I hindering myself?' You Self-doubt yourself. You choose to believe the worst will always happen. You say, things never work out for me. And worst of all, you don't have faith in God. These are all attributes of a self-fulfilling prophecy to fail.

You see your mind is playing tricks on you. For too long, you have been espoused to negative thinking, negative speaking, and unhealthy behaviors that you have convinced yourself it's the norm. Beloved, nothing can be further from the truth. You do have a choice in the direction your life will go. And you are not defined by your past. You can choose to renew your mind (Romans 12:2) and be transformed into who God created you to be before you were even born. Therefore, change your mentality and change the course of your life for the better. Seek the help you need from a counselor, Pastor or someone with spiritual knowledge so you can be set free.

1. Start by speaking words of empowerment.

2. Think on what is honest, just, pure, lovely, things of a good report, (Philippians 4:8)

3. Create a new self-image that's not based on the world's idea of beauty and acceptance

4. Your attitude does determine your altitude

5. Watch who you associate with

6. Make no more excuses and move forward

7. Detach yourself from ungodly relationships that have kept you bound to a generational curse

God has a great plan and purpose for your life. Take off the limits. God didn't create you to be like your siblings or to be who others want you to be. He created you for something more. He created you to do the impossible through.

It's a New Beginning. Time to move forward to a New Progressive Life of wholeness and victory.

This is a sneak preview of a message I have written to help develop a healthy mentality.

So, what do you need to do to overcome a generational curse?

Which of the 7 Key principles above do you need to conquer to change your mentality? How do you plan to accomplish this?

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