6 – 27- 2017| Cape Coral, FL
Visit https://vsworshiper7.wixsite.com/godwordsmyvoice87/for contact details, photos, and an author bio.
Author’s PRAYER JOURNAL- Challenges Prayer Warriors to come gaze upon the face of Jesus and apply strategic battle plans to gain victory because Prayer is a Powerful Weapon
Vernita Simmons, Author of the series; Capturing The Spirit Of God’s Word with Vernita, Inspirational Readings For The Heart ~ Mind ~ Soul! Challenges believers to rise up and become The Prayer Warrior God created them to be and pray for the cares of humanity. The Heart Of A Prayer Warrior – Prayer Journal will help you come into the Throne Room of Prayer, gaze face to face with Jesus and commune one-on-one with Him for the cares of humanity. Come, journey with Vernita and receive valuable tools to awaken the Prayer Warrior within you to use as an arsenal to take back what the devil stole. Perhaps, someone is in need of healing, reconciliation, or how God will bring good from a bad situation, this book will offer not just prayers, but a word of hope to inspire and empower you, as well. This journal will provide you with Biblical scriptures, a section to record prayer request for others, a time to reflect how God made a way out of no way through giving God anthems of praise and thanksgivings for prayers He’s already answered. A great guide for you or to journal together with someone else, even use at a group fellowship. It will help you come into the presence of God and ignite a flame to be the Prayer Warrior God created you to be.
Advance Accolades:“This one will Soar high. Your heart is in it for sure. Much love and continued success as you continue to do God's Work. Thank you for your beautiful heart and soul. Amen” …Cindy Cooper, Owner 123-_4 Access
“The Heart Of A Prayer Warrior is a Prayer Journal capable of taking your spiritual life forward in a dramatic way to fulfill a divine purpose to the realm of hearing God clearly, mouth to mouth and ear to ear. If you wanted to break to spiritual realm of seamless relationship with God, please pick up “The Heart Of A Prayer Warrior Journal” …. Adigun Temitayo, President Wheels Of Hope Rising Foundation
“This collection of inspirational words will build your faith and encourage you to insurmountable heights. I recommend reading this book to every believer, especially if you’re in a situation facing a storm. You will climb out fully charged and ready to go” … Apostle Florence Plummer, Pastor of Upper Room Faith Ministry
“She is that voice, calling the body of Christ back to its first love. She is that voice, prevailing in prayer for those who have no voice. I encourage and challenge you to spend time reading the prayers, reflections, and scriptures. I’m sure you will find that this journal is just what you needed in this season” … Gloria F. Green-Beer, Pastor of Abundant Life Church, Irvington, NJ
Inspired by the book? Here are some ways to help spread the word: Write a review on her Amazon author page, and Barnes & Noble, post a review on Facebook and tweet about it ~ Suggest the book for your Book Club ~Request the book at your local library ~ Recommend it to family, friends, and others ~ Start an online Book Club.
Vernita is the Interview Manager at Faith Filled Family Magazine where she is both a Feature Writer and Interviewer. Her purpose is to use God’s Word ~ My Voice in Writings and with a passion for the underprivileged, the overlooked and the unloved to encourage, inspire, empower others to see themselves as God sees them. They are valuable and Greatness lies within. They are not defined by their past. God created them to Thrive and they can do what they thought they never could. You are God’s Precious Treasure ~ His Masterpiece - One of A Kind and worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox. Your past is over and you are no longer defined by it because the Lord God Almighty has created you to THRIVE.
HIGHLIGHTS: Amongst the prominent people she has been honored to interview is:Cyrus Nowrasteh ~ Screenwriter/Director of “The Young Messiah”
Jason Grey ~ Singer of the inspiring album “Where The Light Gets In”
Jonathan Bock ~Producer of Hillsong United
Jackie Patillo ~ Executive Producer of the Gospel Music Association/Dove Awards
Angela Zatopek ~ TV Host/Reporter & Owner of eloquent line of jewelry at Elevare
Acclaimed Saxophonist ~ Grady Nicolas
Joshua Brown & Mitch Wong ~ Planetshakers
Adigun Temitayo, President, and CEO of Wheels of Hope Rising Foundation in Nigeria, Africa.
Katie Miller, Corporate Communication Manager of Sight & Sound Theater
She has had the privilege of being interviewed by Author/Radio Host Carol Graham ~ “Never Give Up Hope” and Elder Tannie Hill - Radio Broadcast ~ “Be the Voice” - revealing her amazing story of “Welfare to Bookfare “transiting from a single parent on welfare to becoming an inspiring Author of four books within a year.
She welcomes the opportunity to be interviewed and is available for Speaking Engagements
Learn more about Heart Of A Prayer Warrior – PRAYER JOURNAL and Vernita Simmons and read more from her at https://vsworshiper7.wixsite.com/godwordsmyvoice87
Follow Vernita: Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/neatinspirationalreadings8Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook/gloriousworshiper78
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Godwordsmyvoice
-ENDS- Contact: | Godwords35@yahoo.com - Cape Coral, FL 33990 |https://vsworshiper7.wixsite.com/godwordsmyvoice87