I am elated in my spirit to announce the publication of Books 3 & 4 in my inspiring series:
Capturing The Spirit Of God's Word with Vernita ~
Inspirational Readings For The Heart ~ Mind ~ Soul!
Here are the stories behind each book.
Neat’s Collection Of Prayers - Published 5/27/2016
Let's pray ~ Travel with Vernita and discover that though God receives billion of petitions a day, your prayers don’t get lost in traffic. Neither, are they delayed in a traffic jam. God has sent His word on a mission impossible and the results will be productive and successful because God’s infallible word will not return void or be useless or ineffective. Among the many prayers in this heartwarming book, there is one on how praying will strengthen and encourage families to THRIVE, a prayer for healing, and most importantly, Never start your day without praying.
Here is an excerpt/sample prayer:
~ May God’s love overwhelm you ~
His goodness pursues you and His grace rest upon you.
Face God In Prayer Before You Start Your Day
Jesus, I can’t make it through this day without You. I ask You to lead and guide me on the path of righteousness ~ grant me Your knowledge to make wise decisions ~ Protect me and my family, keep us safe from harm~ Provide for those in need. Heal those who are hurting, wrap them in Your loving arms. Heal those who are sick. Restore hope to the hopeless. Save those who are lost and dying spiritually. Holy Spirit, saturate this earth with Your Amazing Love and Forgiving Grace. Show us signs ~ wonder and miracles. In Jesus Name. Amen
Scripture References:
Psalms 23:2; 5-8; 121:7; 103:3; 107:20; 2 Peter 3:9; Acts 2:22
Advanced Praise/Endorsements
Min. Harvey Lott: Minister in Training
“I find this to be a collection of sharpened tools by which we can carve out means of coping with various life situations. . God will surely find His glory here!”
Lisa Castracane:
You definitely have a very special gift of writing. The book is very thorough.You have excellent sayings throughout that are empowering. ~ I especially like the “I am…..proclamations in chapter 7 and the sentence; “it’s my choice to be content in whatever sate I find myself in.” Great work as always, Vernita.”

Neat’s Collection Of Empowering Quotes - Published 5/7/2016
Sometimes, we lose hope and just need to know somebody cares enough to see through our pain. But, where does one go during such times? Even I’m not exempt from needing an enriching “Pick-me up”. I believe that your words have creative power. And you are what you think you are. Oftentimes, it’s far too easy to give into the negative feelings and emotions which bombard your mind. Beloved, there is HOPE! Come…grab a cup of coffee and fellowship with me as we go through these 58 'Empowering Quotes’ to refresh your soul and inspire your spirit. Beloved, you are not alone.
Here’s an inspiring sample:
In Jesus, I am Victorious! ~ I am more than a conqueror. Defeat is not God’s plan for my life. Every battle I have to encounter, God has already conquered. Every Goliath I have to face, God has slayed. Every obstruction becomes stepping stones I use to stomp on the devil’s head. Most Assuredly, God is greater than any giant!
Here's some inspiring Endorsements:
"This compilation by Vernita Simmons allows your faith in God to shine through and leaves a lasting impression on your heart through journaling and reflections. I highly recommend this book...” Ava St. Pierre: Author of After The Storm – www.avastpierre.com Public Speaker, Band Ambassador, Pageant,
"....Is sure to serve as a support to help you grow in your walk with the Lord as you record your daily reflections. Pick up this book and go on a journey that you will never forget...” Lisa Stillwell: Author of I Asked, God Spoke: True Stories Of Devotion
I welcome you to share this post! God loves you and guess what?....I Do Too!
Vernita's Online BookStore:
Order your copy and receive a $2.00 Discount off the original price which amounts to more than 15% SAVINGS! On my Home Page, to the top right click Online Store. A Great Gift For Father's Day!
Empowering Quotes $11.95
Collection Of Prayers $13.95
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