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Neat's Collection Of Empowering Quotes

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

Greeting Highly Qualified and Favored of God:

In celebration of yet another inspiring upcoming Book Release, and because God made you special, here is a sneak preview of what you can expect to read and be refreshed through. You see - Everyone needs encouragement. Even I’m not exempt from needing a quick enriching “pick me-up”. I believe that your words have creative power and you are what you think you are. Oftentimes, it’s far too easy to give in to the negative feelings and emotions which bombard your mind. And once in a while, we need a fresh revelation from God to encourage our heart. So, here are "four powerful quotes" among the 58 written in my new book. I hope you will be inspired, enriched and empowered to see yourself as God sees you.

The Power of Your Tongue:

You can use your tongue to either bless or curse yourself. You can speak victory or defeat. Be a blessing to yourself by declaring what God thinks of you. Speak life over your life. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and near the consequences of their words. (Proverbs 18:21 AMP). Now, go forth and have an incredible remarkable life.

Jesus Will Reverse Your Failures:

Failure is not a bad thing. It’s one of the means through which God is telling you to get back up and try again. And that is why failure is not an option for you. Sometimes, it doesn’t work out for you in the means through which you tried. However, there is always another path you can take to accomplish the plan and purpose the Lord has ordained for your life. Your success depends upon how much time and effort you are willing to put into it. Trust God – He will make a way where there seems to be no way and turn your failures into an extraordinary SUCCESS!

An Appointment with God’s Word:

In Genesis 18:14 something miraculous occurred in Sara’s body. You see – Sara’s womb had a divine appointment with the infallible word of God. Beloved ~ God’s word is never late. It always arrives at His appointed time. Question is: What do you need God to do? Expect much more than you can imagine at a time you would least expect it. Hallelujah!

Destined For Greatness:

Dearest Beloved, God loves you and it’s pertinent to see yourself as He see you. You’re important, valued and worth more than you can imagined. You are the “Apple of His eye” ~ His Precious Treasure. The Lord is working in you to birth greatness He deposited in you from before you were born. He has qualified you to fulfill your destiny He designed specifically for your life. You’re entering into your time of transition. Trust God no matter what! This transition will bring you into your Triumph Life of Victory.

Now, this is just a taste of what is to come. Get Ready To Place Your ORDER!

Please leave your comment below as such is encouraging.

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And Always remember that God loves you and guess what?....I Do Too!


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