Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? 54 But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?” (Matthew 26:53-54, ESV).
Easter Sunday is unlike any holiday of the year. Parents dress their children in cute outfits, and afterward, some families honor it by having them hunt for Easter eggs. Likewise, people pack the church as if; they are doing God a favor. Beloved, God is not impressed by your kid's new dress attire, nor is He honored that you attend service one day out of the year. The purpose they; put Jesus on the scarlet robe was to mock Him and not to celebrate Him. Still, none of these rituals have anything to do with His Resurrection. Beloved, it is time we get back to the heart of Easter. Do you know the agony and pain Jesus endured to redeem your soul and that of your children?
The Chief Priest, the council, scribes, and elders sought people to lie and twist the truth to file false charges against Christ. He did nothing wrong, yet, Christ suffered unimaginable afflictions to cover our sins. Neither Pilate nor Herod found fault in Him, and they recognized the charges were false. (Luke 23:1-16). Yet the Chief Priests and the; voices of the crowd prevailed as they demanded the release of Barabbas, who committed an insurrection and murder. Pilate handed Jesus over to them to do as they will. (Mark 15:6-15;Luke 23:18-25). They stripped Him of His clothes and put a scarlet robe on Him. The soldiers twisted a crown of thorns, put it on his head, and mocked Him.
Likewise, they spat on Him and struck Him. Afterward, they put his clothes back on and scourged the Lord. It was excruciating because it tore open His flesh. Still, it was not over because they crucified Him by nailing Him to a cross. Even then, some soldiers continued to laugh and mock Him. And from the sixth through the night hour, He hung up on that cross. Jesus was humiliated, and discarded as if He was nothing. (Matthew 26:67-68;27: 27-55; Mark 15:6-19). So, how can you think God approves of your celebrating His selfless sacrifice as if it is just some traditional ritual?
Resurrection Sunday is a sacred and holy day; that calls; for us to glorify Jesus. It should never be with the ceremonies and customs this has been over decades. Had you gone through what Jesus went through to save humanity, would you want people to celebrate such a selfless offer with such traditions? Seriously? I know pastors desire to give the children something special to make them feel included, but what do Easter baskets filled with candy have to do with His death and Resurrection? How does a rabbit represent anything about Easter? Since when should we copy the world and all its customs? And I know this is not the message you hoped for Easter. Still, it's time we show the world what Easter is all about.
Dear One, when the officers and others came to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of Malchus, the servant of the High Priest. (John 18:10-11). Jesus touched his ear and healed him. (Luke 22:50-53). Then humbly submitted Himself to His accusers. Are these acts of loyalty worthy of more than the mere acts you have given Him? In Matthew, He relinquished His power to command twelve legions of angels to come to His defense. In the Roman army, a legion comprised of; six thousand men, so that would have been 72,000 angels. No army of men could withstand the army of God. Still, Jesus allowed the scripture to be filled because it had to happen. (Matthew 26:53-56).
During His interrogation, the One whose Words healed and saved countless others did not speak when they accused Him. He had all the power to change His present circumstances but surrendered His will to redeem us. Jesus refused to defend Himself. So, the best gift you can give your children to celebrate this momentous occasion is an introduction to who Jesus is. It has nothing to do with how adorable they look in their new outfit, yet it is all about their heart posture.
God would be more pleased for you to teach them to use that money you spend on their clothes to contribute to a worthy cause. Likewise, they need to know the ultimate cost and pain it cost Him to save them. He loved the world so much that He paid it all to die for us. Jesus is our ultimate sacrifice. Beloved, allow the sufferings He went through for you to never take His sacrifice for granted. Honor Him not with worldly traditions but with a heart filled with praise and adoration.
I pray Phil Wickham's song Sunday Is Coming stirs your heart and brings you into God's presence.
How does it make you feel knowing Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice to die for you?
How do dressing children up in fine outfits and hunting for Easter eggs fit into the death, burial, and resurrection of; Jesus Christ?
Can you please help encourage someone today? What did this devotional teach you about Easter? Please comment on how this devotional inspired you, hit that heart, and share your thoughts with others. Thank you kindly.